Chapter 15- Welcome back

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It has been 3 days that Minah came back to her senses. She didnt remember her past anymore and to add to it the doctor also informed that her brain has started to adapt as well. Minah still gets severe pain in her brain when she thinks too much.
Taehyung has said her to just calm herself.
As for Jimin, he eventually understood that Minah doesnt remember him as her boyfriend....when.. yesterday they were talking..
"Minah.. are we never going to make it official?" Jimin made puppy eyes
"Make it official? What?"
"Oh you dont remember do you?"
"Ehmm Yeaaa about thaatt official! Yea what about that?"
"No no wait a second Minah.. Do you remember where we went for the trip?"
"Hmmm.. Where?"
"Busan! Minah do you remember the dates we went on? Look at these pictures!" He readily showed her the pictures.. Even though he had proof that Minah was dating her.. it was clear to Minah from the pictures that she didnt really love him.
"Jimin.. I am sorry.. So sorry... We are not meant to--"
"Oh I know! It was always Taehyung and I am happy that he is.. he deserves it!" He was struggling with the constant urge to cry.. but he didnt want to.. not atleast infront of Minah.
"Have your food.. I will leave for work! Take care!" He left, quickly taking his backpack which had food for her.
His own words kept repeating in his head.
He knew they were not meant to be but he believed that in a relationship.. its okay if one person loves the other.. the other person starts loving gradually..
After 2 weeks, she was discharged.
"Taehyung dont throw a party!! I want to be alone!"
"Alone with me? Huh?" He smirked
"No.. you can leave as well!" She hissed
"But I want to cook for you today.. Just me and you today.. okay?" He gave a cute smile towards Minah.. and she melted.. like obviously..
Taehyung was making pasta.. He chopped all the veggies.. ready to fry
"Eww I dont wanna eat anymore veggies!" Minah said coming out from her room.
"Trust me it will be great!"
"Can you even cook? I bet you can't!And I am bored of them.. the hospital only served vegetables! I cant have them"
"But min-" "No never ever Ani! Dont even ask"
"Ok! Then do you want?"
"Order extra large pizzas! 4 of em.. Extra cheese and pepperoni"
"As you say ma'am!"
She was smiling way too much...luckily she didnt have any bad memories to feel sad about.
"What do we see? Horror? Romance? Porn?"
"WHAT? YEAH KIM TAEHYUNG! you horny man! Go away!!!"
"Sorry sorry!" He laughed loudly
"Where you always like this?"
"No.. you initiated the kiss! Do you remember?"
"You remember it you are just not saying it"
"I dont know..dont talk about it"
"Do you wanna see IT?"
"No.. I am scared of ghosts"
"Then we are seeing IT!"
He played IT...
"But whyyyyy?"
"Because I want you to get scared and then you would hug me.. and maybe I will also get my kiss! Haha"  he sounded serious with his plan
"Kim Taehyung do you know you can always ask for one?"
"Oh can I?"
"Am not giving one now tho!"
"But I am asking for it!"
"Not giving it"
"Asking for it"
Taehyung and Minah where starting a new love life. So many hurdles.. in their story and still they made it to their happy ending..
The steps were so big and hurtful. Each step was destroying innocent feelings but they still took it.
This were their Ladders to love.
What is your?
                               The End

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