Discovering True Feelings

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Simon was still in shock from everything he just witnessed. Basilton Pitch, Simon's roommate, his frenemy since the first day they had met, was a vampire. He was more of an enemy now than he ever was before. He didn't choose to be a bloodsucker. I know, but that doesn't change the fact that he is one.

"Are you going to tell the headmaster?" Baz's question pulled Simon from his thoughts. Was he going to tell? Why shouldn't he tell? Baz has been an annoyance since the moment he walked into Simon's life. This would be the perfect opportunity to get him in trouble. But, deep down Simon knew he couldn't do that. He was feeling something underneath all that hatred that he couldn't explain, or just didn't want to.

Simon was still unable to look Baz in the eye, so he looked everywhere but. "As much as I despise you, my hatred doesn't go as far as killing you." He paused before finally looking Baz in the eye, "you would be put to death and I refuse to do that to you no matter how much of a nusence you are."

After Simon was done speaking Baz surprised them both by walking the extra few steps to close all distance and pulled Simon close to him in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Snow." It came out like a whisper but Baz was so close to Simon's ear right now it was impossible not to hear it.

Still standing there with Baz's arms wrapped tightly around him, Simon didn't know what to do so his arms stayed dangling by his sides. A few seconds had passed and that feeling, the one Simon is burying beneath everything else, started to stir. Confused and a little frightened, Simon shoved Baz away and took large steps back, distancing them a good bit.

"Just because I'm not running to tell headmaster doesn't make us friends." With that said Simon turned and walked out into the lantern lit hallway towards his dorm room. Their dorm room.

A few moments later Baz walked in causing a groan to come from Simon.

Baz smirked in his direction, "there's no escaping someone you share a room with moron."

Simon's jaw dropped with feigned hurt, "I am not a moron!" He half shouted while falling back onto his bed. "Go to sleep Pitch." His use of Baz's last name earned him a glare.

As they both lay in bed, awaiting the next day, a silence fell over them. That is, until Simon jolted up from his bed yelling out, "WAIT!" Causing Baz's eyes to fly open wide. "How come you sleep? Vampires don't sleep."

Baz sighed from aggravation, "I'm not some sparkling freak who likes to watch people snooze in their bed." He rolled over so that his back was now facing Simon. "Shut up and go to sleep Snow."

Simon laughed before laying back down to get comfy in his blankets. After a while of trying to fall asleep Simon rolled over so he was now facing Baz's bed. Now who's the creepy sleep watcher. Shut up. Every moment he spent awake was another moment to think about this feeling he has for Baz. He was starting to understand more and more.

"Baz, I know that we don't get along well, but life would be so weird without you. We've been through so much together and the only reason I refuse to tell headmaster is because...because I'm not ready to let you go. I don't think I ever will be." Is what Simon wanted to whisper to Baz's sleeping figure, but he didn't. Instead all he said was, "you're welcome." Then he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

And so did Baz.


"Snow, why didn't you tell headmaster about me? What reason could you possibly have to not tell? I know you hate me, I know you say you don't want me dead but sometimes I can't help but question that." Baz was pacing back and forth on the hard floor of their dorm room, Simon knew he was going to have to tell him how he felt. Eventually.

"Look, Baz, I already told you that I don't want you dead that's why I won't tell the headmaster. You may be annoying to me but that doesn't mean you deserve to die."

"I DO DESERVE TO DIE! I'M A MONSTER SNOW, A BLOODSUCKER, A KILLER!" yelled Baz right into Simons face.

"Just because you see yourself that way doesn't mean I do." Simon sighed, "You may be a vampire, the enemy, but to me you're just annoying ol' Baz and that's all you'll ever be." Who are you trying to convince Simon? Him or yourself? "You didn't ask to become one of them Baz, and I know that. That's why I'm not judging you based on what you are."

Baz stopped pacing and placed himself a few inches from where Simon sat, "There is something you're not telling me. I know you Simon, in fact, I think I know you better than you know yourself."

Simon stood, "I highly doubt that." He closed another inch. "If I'm not telling you something then it's because I'm afraid too."

Baz closed another inch between them, breath mingling together, "Why haven't you told headmaster? Why haven't you spread the news yet Snow? TELL ME THE REAL REASON WHY YOU HAVEN'T THROWN ME INTO THE FIRE! BECAUSE I NEED TO--"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" Simons shouted confession silenced them both. "I-I love you. I think I have for a while but I was pushing the feelings away. I was--"

Baz closed every inch of space between them and planted his hands on both of Simons cheeks to hold him still while he kissed his lips softly before whispering, "I love you too, Simon."

Simons eyes flew open as a tear traveled it's way down his cheek, he wiped it away and sat up putting his head in his hands. He couldn't believe that this feeling he had all along, this feeling buried beneath such hatered, was love. Baz really has changed absolutely everything in Simons life but he's okay with that. Maybe he needed some change. He looked over at Baz, still sleeping peacfully. He sighed with a smile.

"I'm in love with you, Basilton Pitch."

In Love With the Enemy (a Simon and Baz oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now