Money Equals Happiness

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"You know, if you would finally allow me to buy you that laptop you want, we could finally Skype." Not this again. It was always the same arguments. Armin sighs irritability as he picks up the tea kettle from the stove.

"Jean, you know how I feel about stuff like this. I like to earn things with my own money. I won't learn anything if I let my boyfriend buy me everything." It got annoying to have to repeat this over and over again. Armin struggles to hold his shitty flip phone between his ear and shoulders as he pours the warm water into his grandfather's favorite mug.

"You realize it won't affect me if I bought you a fucking house. Armin, let me do this for you, I hate seeing you try so hard when it wouldn't be hard to help you." Another line he has used before. Armin drops the tea ball into the water, and stares as the water slowly turns pale green.

"Jean please. I already let you pay for granddad's hospital bills and that alone was too much. I'll be paying you back until I'm old enough to retire." He could hear Jean's sigh through the phone but it was true. Armin would pay him back one way or another. Armin walks through the small house to his grandfather's room, the smell of stale cigarettes clings to every piece of furniture in the room.

"Armin, what part of I won't take your money don't you get? Your grandfather was really sick, how do you think it makes me feel that you think I want to take your money." Jean asks, his tone honestly hurt. Armin shakes his head as he gently shakes his grandfather awake.

"Time to take your medicine, so you have to sit up." Armin say quietly. The man groans and shifts up a bit on the bed, his back resting against the worn and old head board.

Shaky hands reach for the mug and Armin pops open the Thursday tab on the mans weekly medicine container. Taking out the 6 pills, each a different size or color than the previous Armin hands them over.

"It isn't just for you Jean, it is for me. You know how I feel about things being handed to me, and I refuse to let you blow your money on me." Armin said. His grandfather threw all the pills into his mouth and swallowed them dry before following with a sip of his tea. A curt nod signaled Armin being allowed to leave.

"Why can't you just let me give you things? It makes me happy when I can make your life a little easier. You have to take care of your sick grandfather, you have two jobs, and you go to college for engineering and archectecual shit. I was given more money than I could ever want after someone I don't give a fuck about died. Let me help you Armin, please." Jeans voice was soft, pleading. Armin felt his chest contract.

"You already do Jean. Just hearing your voice helps. When you visit me, god it helps so much. I don't need things to be happy, just knowing you love me does. So please drop it, I don't like arguing." Armin walked back to the kitchen to fix his own cup of tea, but instead of green he grabs his own tea ball of Mint and Pomegranate blend. It's his favorite and it helps him calm down.

"Besides, Jean you already paid off my grandfathers medical bills, hospital treatment and his medication. I'll be paying you back until I'm dead and gone." Armin said sipping the hot liquid. Jean audibly sighs.

"Armin, I do that for you. It is honestly insulting when my boyfriend feels he has to pay me back for helping keeping your grandfather alive." Armin can hear the traces of anger in Jeans voice but he shakes his head.

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