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The lit closed sign stood still on the bakery window. A (h/c) girl began to walk back to the counter where she locked up her money that she earned for today. Sighing, she collected her belongings and exited the shop locking the door.

The chilly breeze swept through the dark streets which were somewhat brightened by the night lamps. Looking around she noticed that she was the only person around excluding a couple that was walking up ahead. (Y/N) smiled to herself and thought about the idea of having a significant other.
"They look very happy," she whispered staring infront not knowing that the couple stared back at her with longing eyes.

She had finally reached her home and layed all her bags onto the floor. "Well today was very busy, I hope I get as much luck tomorrow," the young adult told herself. Walking upstairs she took off her clothes and headed to her bathroom and hopping in the tub.
Her mind wandered recalling the events of today. Her thoughts were now stranded to how badly she wanted to touch her body. Her fingers traced down her stomach and between her legs. "Just for a little while, "she told herself. She began to rub her clit, massaging the folds.
"Ngggg~ahh~" her pleasant moans echoed inside the bathroom. She wasn't too worried about anyone hearing them or so she wished. Getting up from the tub she began to rub her exposed folds on the bathtub faucet.
"Mmmm~ that feels so goo-ahhhh" she lightly screamed as she cummed. White juices leaked out from her pussy onto the faucet. Smiling at what she did, she got out of the bathroom wrapping a towel around her wet body.
Closing the door behind her and walking into her bedroom, she felt a hand grab her by the waist that prevented her from moving. Another hand covered her mouth. Alarmed, she attempted to move away when the hand holding her waist slid under her towel and pumped her sensitive area. A low moaning growl came from her captor as he now had her face the wall. He began to grind on her from behind pushing her lightly against the wall pleasing his cock. The amount of plessure (Y/N) felt was too much to bear and she cummed on the stranger's fingers groaning softly.
"You like this don't you," uttered the stranger. He removed his hands from her pussy and quickly unbuckled his belt and pants. (Y/N) let go of the towel while he did his. The stranger rubbed his how exposed dick between her legs while fingering her once again.
"Nggggg~ stop teasing me," the woman shamelessly spoke up which the man grunted in response. A sharp pain layed across her ass as the man spanked it.
"You wait until I am finished with you," he said as her now placed his cock into her dripping pussy. Trusting slowly and then picking up his pace jamming her against the wall. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she pushed back on him. He held onto her waist tightly as he shot a load of semen into her hole.

The man finally turned her around the face him and she was met with a handsome face. His grey eyes burned with lust amd pleasure.
"Y-you're the man from earlier that I saw with the lady," (Y/N) mumbled. He smiled
"The name is Hades," he uttered. She didn't get time to think about what he said before he lifted her up and threw her on the bed. She let out a yelp after. His dick long and erect dripping with cum caused the (h/c) girl to stare in wonder.
The man who revealed himself to be Hades climbed on top of (Y/N). He teased her womanhood with his tip causing her to bite her lip and lightly moan. Hades positioned himself over her into a press looking into her eyes while smirking. (Y/N) felt his dick penetrate her. She screamed in delight as he started pounding himself into her. His hard cock felt so good in her small pussy causing her walls to clench and hold onto his manhood. The bed was shaking as he rammed into her causing (Y/N) to writhe under him.
"Please, harder harder~ahhhh,"

"You like how my dick feels inside your small cunt, so tiny and fragile. You want me to go faster doll?"

"Y-yes sir, I wanna feel you mor-ahhh"
Hades hands traced down her neck and began slightly choking causing her to gasp and drool. His long pole hit her over and over again close to her womb which caused to young girl to cum in pleasure.
Hades let go of her neck gripping her hands and pinning them to her sides. After a few minutes he let out a glow grunt and his semen began to shoot out from him. The feeling of hot liquid in her small hole caused the woman to buckle her hips and wrap her legs around the man as he began to thrust into her a few more times while moaning before he pulled out his dick.
She looked lewd with her legs open dripping with their mixed fluids. Her face blushing red from what happened.

"I'd like to believe you enjoyed my husband very much," a feminine voice called out. (Y/N) turned to her right to see a woman standing near to a window with barely any clothes on playing with herself. Confused she looked up at the man who was smiling back at her amused.

"Don't think the fun's over," the woman stated leaning away from the window and walking towards her.
"I want to taste you~,".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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