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Lyra...internally?:My name is Lyra Sharp, I'm 14 years old and the pretend-bartender is my friend Neil. Originally I was gonna stop that demon, Cody, from their evil doings and sadly they died.
Lyra I love you darling, but just because I haven't made a YouTube video for awhile doesn't mean I'm dead. Quit telling folks about that.

Lyra, internally:Sometimes, I can still hear their damn- Wait...
Neil:Um...Hi Cody, we didn't see you there I guess?
Also, I'm a devil-angel darling.
Lyra:What the heck are you doing here?
Lyra, I'm basically your creator or a fellow human in a another dimension so...And I'm here to help! (Also Victor is here)
Victor, in a different room:I was promise vodka!
Lyra:Why should we trust you too? Victor will probably try to choke us again and you'll probably do something horrible.
Cause, I wanna expose fandoms!
Victor:And I may be an asshole, but deep down I'm a nice guy...and a huge bastard.
Lyra:Fine you two can help: You, *points at me* can help us find some info about the person and you *points at Victor* can help us get the person.
Neil:What about me?
Lyra:You'll be my partner detective or something like that.
Neil shrugging:Eh, alright.

And thus the journey begins! Comment down the suspect! Any fandom character, we don't mind, it can even be a rock! We watch Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon!

Inspired from: DFirefire_Dagger

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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