15. Ice cream and pjs

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Kayla's POV

2 weeks later****

I say on my couch watching The Notebook and eating strawberry chocolate chip ice cream. it might sound gross, but it's truly the best thing ever. I know what your thinking "your sitting all alone eating ice cream and crying... Pathetic.", but Niall really hurt me. I thought he was different. Yeah, he's called me, but I never answered them. I just listened to the voice message. Hearing, his voice made my heart break even more. Just give up Niall. You could find someone way better than me. Date a model. Date that Steph girl. I'm no good for him. All I've brought is trouble for him. Letting him go is the best. For me, and for him. I truly love him, I just want him to be happy. He'll be better off without me. The best thing to do is just forget about him. Its kind of hard to though when everyone is trying to call you to tell you that Niall's sorry. LITERALLY,  everyone. Liam, Emma, Gracie, Harry, and even Louis. I know he's sorry, but I don't think I can be with him anymore. I've shut everyone out cause all they want to talk about is Niall and I. Just thinking about him makes me sad. before, I know it I'm sobbing again. I grab some tissues and blow my nose. I look down at my pj's. Blue fuzzy pants and a white tank top. Sad colors for a sad person. I get bored Of the notebook so I turn it to regular tv. Five familiar faces are on the screen. The boys are performing moments. I am literally frozen I can't change the channel. It gets to Niall's solo and I notice lots of emotion was happening. Niall's voice cracked and all the boys looked at him. He looked so different. His eyes were red and glossy. There were bags under his eyes and cheeks were all tear stained. What did I do to him? As they finish the song, they go to a couch and pile on as usual. I notice Niall look like he's trying to hold in tears.
"So boys that was amazing.."the female interviewer said "I noticed a little emotion in Niall's solo, what's going on?"
The camera shows Niall's face and his eyes get even more glossy.
"Umm..well you see... I was with this girl" his voice cracks again and he takes a deep breath.
"The one you went to the premiere with? Ah, what was her name Kayla?" She says pointing to the small screen on the wall. Pictures of me and Niall from that night flash on it.
"Yeah, well we.....were...."he says to distraught to finish his sentence.
"Let me guess you were dating and broke up recently?" She says. The camera goes back on Niall.
"Umm...yes...and I umm...I'm sorry I can't do this.." and with that he hops off the couch and walks off the stage. Louis gets up and runs after him.
"Umm.. sorry about that he just really fancies her.. and this break up is not going well for him...so different subject...." Harry says. Oh my god..... what have I done to Niall....

"Let me guess you were dating and broke up recently?" She asked. I feel my eyes burning. I try and hold back the tears although I'm pretty sure you can tell. I miss her. I love her and she is all I ever wanted. She is all I will ever want.
"Umm... yes...and I..... I'm sorry I can't do this.." I say getting up and running off stage, the tears escaping. I run strait pass Lou (a/n their stylist), and into the dressing room shutting the door behind me. I say down on a couch. Why did Steph have to mess every thing up?! I loved Kayla. I still do!

I let all the tears escape making a puddle on the floor.

What do I do? She won't answer any of my calls or any of the boys. I just had her and now she's gone. I love her so much. she's all I think about.

I hear a knock on the door. I go open it to see Louis standing there.

"It's okay..."he says giving me a hug.

"No it's not Lou she's gone. I can't live without her. she's all I think about every damn minute of my life! I see her in the sun from the way her smile is so bright! I see her in every thing! Every damn thing Lou!" I yell. Louis just stands there shocked cause I poured a lot about her out to him. " I love her Lou...but I lost her..." I say tears coming again. 

"Your gonna get her back. I promise Niall. I promise." he says making me smile but they have it fade as I notice the three other lads staring at me.
"You really do love her don't you Niall?" Liam asks.

"Liam.......shes the one."
Major editing hope you all like it! XOXO -Haley

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