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Zach's P.O.V

What did I just say?? Did I really just say that out loud! Oh god well done Zach now she'll never want to go on a date with me.

Y/n's P.O.V

Z: "well done babe"
Y/n: "what did you just say?"
Z: "umm I said... well done cake, yeah well done cake"
Y/n: "why are you calling me cake?"
Z: "cos there's cake over there and I'm going to get some bye"
I definitely heard what he said, he called me babe and when he did that feeling came back. Did I like it? When he called me that? No I couldn't have. I need to talk to someone about this but not the boys or Corbyn. Gabbie I'll phone Gabbie. I phoned her.

*phone call*

Gabbie: "heyyy girl what's up"
Y/n: "hey G I'm great how's you and Lav"
G: "we're good, Lav's having a nap and missing her favourite aunt y/n"
Y/n: "awwww I miss her too"
G: "so I'm all yours, what's up"
Y/n: "okay so ZachcalledmebabeandidontknowwhattodoaboutitandithinkimightlikehimandidontknowwhattodopleasehelpmeG"
G: "woah woah slow down"
Y/n: "sorry I'm really nervous"
G: "don't be it's just me"
Y/n: "well Zach called me babe and"
G: "sorry he WHAT!!"
Y/n: "yeah and I think I might like him because whenever I'm around him I get a weird feeling in my stomach and I don't know what to do G help me"
G: "well personally I ship you two, I'll see what I can get out of Jack to see if Zach has told him anything"
Y/n: "thank you G, oh and Zach doesn't know I heard him call me babe"
G: "okay I need to go Lavender has just woken up byeee"
Y/n: "giver her hugs from me byee"

*end oh phone call*

That helped a bit but I wonder what Zach thinks, like what would happen if we started dating? Omg what would Corbyn do?! What would he be like?? I think he'd be okay, yeah he would maybe. Why am I even thinking about this Zach doesn't even like me.

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