The Ghost in My Room

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*Someone's POV*

It all happened so quickly... I... I didn't know what to say when my parents came into the room.... It was kind of odd. Normally if someone wanted something, only one of my parents would pop in and ask me to do it. On occasion, if something went wrong, or if I got extremely in trouble, they'd both pop in... So when they came in my room that day... My life changed...

I lived with my Mother, Step-Father, and Step-Sister. I rarely visited the other side of my family, but I still loved them with all of my heart. The other side of my family, which lived 4 hours away from where I lived, consisted of my Step-Mother and my Father, plus 4 other Step-Sisters and a Step-Brother. Yeah, I have no full brother-sister relations... But it's still something. It was the beginning of summer break and I was about a week and a half fresh out of Junior year of high school. I was living the life: Watching anime, playing video games, eating food, and sleeping. It... felt good. Life was good. I didn't even need a job at the time, so work was out of the option for the summer. My grades were stellar and I knew it was going to be the same shit the next year as well.

Didn't really have friends that lived near me, but I had a usual clique with people that liked the same things I did. I wasn't close with any of them though. I wasn't too social of a person, unless people were talking about things I enjoyed. If not, I just stayed clear of anyone. The video games were all I had to escape to besides sleeping and dreaming. It felt great.... just to lose sight of everything around me. All the troubles and stress, gone. I was put into a world that wasn't mine for a while, and it was like a drug. Not just the video games alone, but the form of escapism, in which that itself... is addicting.

It was Thursday evening, and all was going well, I was playing some Final Fantasy XV, rather, milking the rest of the game to one hundred percent it, and even more than that. I had several thousand hours into the game, and I loved it. I enjoyed the game since I got it for Christmas a couple years back. It was my first Final Fantasy game, and I loved every second of it. Suddenly, a knock came to the door. I thought it was my Mother or something telling me goodnight, as she normally went to bed pretty early after a long day at work. Though unfortunately, that wasn't the case. When the door opened, both my Mother and my Step-Father walked in. My Step-Sis was at one of her friend's house for a sleep over at the time.

I was a bit skeptical as they both came in instead of the normal one, so I paused my game. I then looked to see their mood, which, wasn't happy. I didn't tell if it was anger or sadness at first, so I kinda just scooted back a little bit in my bed. Knowing how I operate, I would normally do things without thinking and don't realize what I'm doing until after I've already done it. For a bit, I thought I did something horribly wrong, and I just didn't know it at the time.

"H-Hey, uhhh w-what's up? I'm not in trouble, am I?" I was definitely worried. It didn't seem right at that time of night for both of them to come in my room to tell me something.

"Did you do anything wrong?" My Step-Father slightly teased.

"Not that I know of... It's just... Weird for both of you to be in here at once."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong." He sighed.

"Then, w-what's.... up?" I watched as my Mother sat on my bed. Her eyes were a bit puffy, so I knew she was crying earlier. That couldn't be good. First thing that came to my mind was that they were having a divorce. Which, to be honest... would suck.

She sat down next to me and put her hand on my arm. She gulped and sighed, her voice wavered a bit.

"A couple hours ago... Your... Your Father passed away...." The room.. Never felt so quiet after she said those words. Even when the game was paused, the music still played, but... It's never been so quiet... I sat there, looking at her.... The first thought that came through my head was that it was some kind of sick joke... Then I realized that they wouldn't joke about it.. They would never do something like that to me. Then, it sunk in.

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