His Ghost.

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You stared at the body of your late husband that was laid in the brown wooden casket, not shedding a single tear.

Everyone was consoling you, asking you if you were okay but how could you be okay?

Did you love Kun?

It was complicated.

Very complicated.

Kun loved you, at least that's what he would always tell you because the moment you two got married, everything changed. Slowly but surely the dynamics of the relationship changed.

The thing about Kun was that he was always protective.

Maybe it was because of him being a Capricorn or maybe it was because of his personality, but his protective personality soon turned possessive and you in turn grew concerned.

He would mutter and say slick remarks about your friends and family to you but the moment he was in front of them, he turned up his charm, making them not see what you saw.

What he was beginning to show you.

Then he started making comments about your clothes, not liking you showing off skin.

"I just don't like people staring at you..." he first started saying which soon turned into, "No one should even be looking at you besides me."

He even forced you to quit your job simply because he hated knowing that other people looked and talked to you and he felt as though only that should be his privilege.

Sometimes, you'd just catch him staring at you, his brown eyes focus on your form and whenever you would nervously ask him why was he staring at you, he'd usually comment on how beautiful he found you.

Though that was happening, you didn't really tell anyone and maybe it was because of you not telling anyone, it was easier for Kun to trick everyone into thinking that you were going insane when he started just locking you away in the basement for hours on end.

When he started doing this, he said it was just a joke, but then he started locking you up for a couple of days, then weeks, then months.

But whenever he did let you out and you would tell people, they would just look at you like as if you were crazy.

Kun was just such a charming man that no one took you seriously.

He'd still let you out though... that was until you ran to a cop, panicking as you told him that your husband was keeping you isolated and before the cop could calm you down enough to listen, Kun caught you, apologizing to the officer, saying that you forgot to take your meds and dragged you away.

Once you were back home, he scolded you, saying that he didn't care about you telling your friends and family and even random stranger because no one would actually believe you but telling a police officer? That was a huge no no and as your punishment, you would never leave the house again.

You truly didn't know what had gotten into Kun and you wondered if he always had this side to him but just hid it from you. They did say that abusive men usually showed their real personality once they thought they had their partner trapped and the more controlling he got, the more you realized that that was the case.

He didn't really give you rules but you had to be good to him or else he wouldn't feed you. He wouldn't talk to you or show you affection. He'd just leave you trapped in that basement until you'd cry for him, which he loved seeing you do.

Having you beg for him always made him felt special because he was the one making you feel this way. It was the reason why he didn't have any solid rules set in place because it gave him more freedom to punish you.

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