Chapter 1

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I can see the bright light through my eyelids. I try to open my eyes but the sun is blinding, amplifying my headache. I roll onto my side shading the sun with my hand. I sit up and slowly and open my eyes. The nausea and migrane make me regret drinking ten times more. I put my feet on the ground and slowly stand up. The room begins to spin, and I make a run to the bathroom and immediately lose the contents of my stomach. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and stand up again, I make my way back to the bed where my shoes and dress lay waded up by the night stand. My stomach drops when I see a shirtless man with a blanket draped over his waist. Oh my god I finally realize what's going on. I slept with someone. Where am I? How did I get here? What happened last night? The thoughts make me want to go back to the bathroom and loose my lunch again. I tip toe around the bed to see who it was that I slept with. I stop at the edge of the bed peeking over his shoulder blocking my view. Who is that? I slept with a stranger? What if I have an std or something? His black hair sticks in all directions and his mouth slightly open. I feel a pit in my stomach as His chest slowly raises then falls, I tip toe back to my spot and pull on the uncomfortable tight black dress and gather my things. I wince when my keys jingle as I put them in my purse. I look for anything I might have missed before I go but I see him begin to wake up, I grab my heels and sneak out of the apartment. Once I'm safely out in the hallway i try to find an elevator, I stumble around trying to ignore the pounding in my head. I see the elevator and try my best to make my way there with out crying. I click the button with the arrow down about 20 times until I hear a ding. I pray there isn't anyone in there, as the metal doors open. Oh no. No no no. I flash a slight smile and step in uncomfortably.

"What floor?" He asks
"Uhm the lobby please" I stare at the ceiling as I feel the elevator take us down.

"Looks like you had a rough morning ." He smiles
Although it's none of his business I find this funny

"Yeah..." I try to rub off the smeared mascara under my eyes and straiten out my knotted hair.

He turns to me "What's your name?"

"I'm Sarah"
He holds out his hand "I'm Matt"

"Nice to meet you" I say shaking his hand.

The elevator dings and the doors open, "Well this is my floor"

"Bye Sarah" he smiles

"Bye Matt" I mock him

The elevator doors close, and now it's time to figure out where I am.

Okay I don't really have anything to say here but I hope you like my story 😊

I wouldn't change a thing Matt Espinosa fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now