Chapter 1: The Begining

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I'd walk home watching the sun rise as I walk, y'know, I've always liked sunrises better then sunsets. Maybe it's because my name is Hinode, which directly translates to "sunrise" and my last name is Nozomu, meaning "hope" and it's supposed to mean "sunrise of hope". I'm glad I got alot of yen, poor mom, she doesn't deserve to have to deal with tuberculosis, even if it's 1887, where I live TB isn't very common! .... I'm glad I'm helping her though, if I hadn't gotten a job as a drawer, mom wouldn't be alive! I'm near the river, I'm close to home! Well, hopefully we'll be able to have extra yen to spend on food, some days we won't even have food if I'm not paid enough, oh well, I'm sure we'll be okay anyways, and besides, I'm close to home, I'm exhausted....

Why does it smell like something is burning?! There's smoke coming from the area of the house! I'd start sprinting to home, with nothing but fear wrapped right around my body.

"No... No... No! MOM?! ARE YOU OKAY?!?" I'd run to the house, only to see moms dead body burning, but with a wakazashi in the back of her neck! My house was burning down, It was falling apart! Tears frantically rolled down my face, as I took the family rose out her hair, "When I die, please take the rose out of my hair, and keep it for as long as you live. It is very important to our family, Hinode, please do it for the family. You are the only hope our family has."

I didn't have much time, if I was in that house for too long, I would burn and be crushed! My legs already had marks from burns. I took the flower my mom had, and all our yen savings! I ran out of the house, as I was running, I could here the entire house buckle down due to the fire.

I'm sorry, mom.

author note: hey taylor here, I just wanted to say that I'm really excited about continuing the story, it's pretty long, so I hope you'll stick through it! thanks. 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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