okay, so a few of you guys have asked about me doing a summary because the story did end with a cliffhanger that was intentional on my part because i didn't have an ending for this one shot in particular and the cliffhanger was my initial plan and plot for it. and the reason why i didn't want to do a summary because i felt it'll be kinda made up because I honestly didn't have anything to give to you guys. My notes are the everything leading to the cliffhanger. I mean, at first I did wanted to drag this one out a bit longer but i was already at 8,100+ words and I wanted to really delve into the characters and their affairs with each other which i had succeeded in doing.
soooooo..... to clear things up, I will give insight on how I would have done the ending without a cliffhanger so here it goes:
the story ends with Michael and Tawantza leaving after everything is revealed about Jaylen not being Michael's son due to the whole blood testing for the blood transfusion and Diore and Edward already have crossed lines once before. now, i did give you guys hints in the story of the "possibility" of Jaylen not being Michael's child. I mentioned Diore and Edward's affair four years ago before the flashback was featured, which equals up to Jaylen's age. Another thing, his description. I kind of based Jaylen off my own little cousin (her dad is the pappy irl 💀) and I wanted to kinda throw in a lil something for y'all to catch the hint and put 2&2 together roght there and then. GOOD THING U GUYS DIDN'T SO IT WAS WORTH THE GHETTONESS AND SHOCK 🤣. First and foremost, Jaylen did live guys. I didn't kill him off. lil man ain't even live a full life yet.
As for T, Michael, Diore and Ed, it would have been an happy/sad ending had I made it longer. just to clear things up, the ending would have went like this:
Michael and Tawantza do leave out the hospital but they don't actually go anywhere. They're just outside in the parking lot trying to gather themselves and console one another about what their spouses had done behind their backs years ago. now Michael is there for Jaylen during his recovery process as well as Ed because he's the biological father. more than likely, i would have skipped to six months later and at that point, Michael and Diore are divorced and she has moved out, and despite the truth, Michael remains the father to Jaylen. y'all know how that kind of situation goes sometimes. He chooses to continue to be the father and co-parent. Tawantza and Ed are separated after going back and forth with her wanting to stay with him but having a child on her with their former friend just makes it harder to forgive him and forget. also, she can't have children so it's definitely killing her. on the other hand, she and Michael are still continuing their affair which also prompts her to fully sign the papers and divorcing Ed eventually so she can to be with Michael because she's really in love with him and vice versa. so the two of them actually get together all the while Ed and Diore are alone, bind by their son.
i hope this helped clear up some things and given you all insight on how the story could have possibly turned out. THIS IS YALL CLOSURE TO ALL YA WIGZ THAT WERE SNATCHEDTTTT . now i have to go write for ADDICTION because that is due to be published before the month is up.
toodles 👋🏾
friendly affairs|MJ Fanfic|COMPLETED
FanfictionA one shot story about a man who makes an arrangement for he and his best friend to have an affair with each other's wives. All is well until a secret unfolds that could possibly put an end to the perfectly established reality.