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"Jimin hyung!!" As I heard that voice inside my apartment, I mentally slapped myself for not realizing that he was going here as well

"YOW!!! HYUNG!!!" Taehyung gleefully screamed in my apartment

"Can't you be quiet for at least a minute?"


I sighed, then I remembered how shocked her face was...I saw her again..She was still beautiful like before..my pretty rose

"Yah!! Hyung, I know that I'm handsome but please you could've just taken a photo instead of staring at me like that.." He bragged

"Tsk, I'm even handsome than you though" I scoffed

"Yah--" before he could finish his sentence my phone rang and has the ringtone of chipmunk's voice singing, can't help falling in love..


"Park Jimin!, Why aren't you cautious with your actions!?." my manager nagged in the other line loudly

"Wae? Manager-nim..What's wron--"

"You were caught by DISPATCH!! AND WITH A GIRL!" He stated

"AND NOT JUST ANY GIRL, IT'S ROSÉANNE PARK!..THE FAMOUS VLOGGER!, HERE.IN. AUSTRALIA!" manager-nim added which made me startled

"Good thing though, no one saw their post yet that time and we immediately paid them to remove it as soon as possible"

"Well...That a relief I gue---"

"But..since you were caught on public, people started posting some tweets about you and Roséanne-sshi"

"Oh.." I uttered

"Anyway, I'll inform you the other info about this tomorrow" manager-nim said and hung up the call

"Well, Goodluck about that hyung!" Tae joked which made me punch his shoulder lightly

He then took his luggages going straight to my guest room..

I stared at my phone's wallpaper...which is her..my Pasta...She still beautiful...wait, she is beautiful...Since before and up until now..


"She's Park Chaeyoung, Also known as Rosé, Rosie, Roséanne,Chae,Pasta and Chipmunk..23 years old, loves eating, church girl and friendly to all..." I answered still staring at my phone's wallpaper

"Wait, Hyung...Are you somehow related to her? Like you know..Cousin?, Brother?, Nephew?, Uncl--"

"Chae's my ex-girlfriend" I replied Half-heartedly as I look at Taehyung

"Oh.." He awkwardly muttered while scratching the back of his neck

"But, I'm going to fix everything...I want to start another chapter about me and her...And this time...I'm not letting anything tear us apart that easily just because of a simple problem.." I added

Taehyung smiled at me and patted my shoulder..Wow at least he haven't done anything wrong so far...

"I know you can do it Hyun---OH! MY POPCORN IN THE MICROWAVE!!" he ran at the kitchen and immediately took it out before it burned inside..

'Ok..maybe I might have to take back my word about him..'

I just s

|| Icicle || Park Chaeyoung and Park Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now