Chapter Forty Two.

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                      For a long long moment, Betty felt as if someone had snatched the ground from her feet. Off balance and without direction. She stared blankly at the gate through which Vicky had slipped out some minutes ago.

                       "What do we do now?"

                        "We find proof. That's what." She turned to face Tokunbo who had a calculative look on her face. "We need to get that diary. We also need to get to my dad. If no one else will believe us, my dad will."

                         "But Vicky said-"

                        "Vicky was scared, Betty. You don't hear that you have to choose between your life and your friends and still think straight."

                         Betty shook her head. "Tokunbo, let's be realistic. We don't have time. Before we get to your dad or find Demi's diary, both of them will be..." She trailed off weakly.

                        "So what option is there? What do we have to lose if we tell the police? The only way I see is telling an adult who can do something about it. None of us can save any of them Betty! We are just kids. What are you all so afraid of?"

                           Tokunbo was right. What did they have to lose?  "How do we get to your dad? Classes have started. The gate will be locked soon. If we're caught out here-"

                           She was cut short when Tokunbo pulled her by an arm and sprinted out the school's gate. Once they were a considerable distance away from the school, they stopped running, panting heavily. 

                          "We need to put Demi in prison. Once and for all. Or else she'll keep coming back and will do even worse things." Tokunbo said when they had calmed down.

                           "Do you even know where the warehouse is?! Vicky just left like that. Who's going to watch her back while we go looking for some stupid diary?" She hated that she sounded weak. Powerless. Her brother  and best friend were in danger and all she could do was cry like a child. She wiped her wet face hurriedly.

                         Tokunbo rubbed her forehead and glanced up at the sky as if looking for answers. "You'll have to get my dad to the warehouse Betty."  

                        She sniffled. "What? Why me?"

                        "Because if I go, he'll force me to tell him everything and could conclude that he doesn't need to help you guys. As long as I am safe."

                        Betty chuckled bitterly. "If you can't convince him, how do you expect me to? I knew this was a waste of time."

                        "Tell him I'm in danger. You need to convince him that I'm in a life threatening situation or he won't come." Tokunbo muttered as she searched her bag and ripped out a piece of paper. "I'm writing his station's address here. Get him to that warehouse. I'll go to Demi's house to find the diary."

                            "And you are sure that the diary is in her house?! We're acting blindly here. My brother's life is at stake Tokunbo!"

                              An irritated look crossed the latter's face making Betty feel small and stupid. "Well I don't see you coming up with ideas, Elizabeth. Your brother will still be in danger no matter how many times you repeat it. We might as well give it our best shot! Besides, He was just left off the hook today. This means that Demi planned all this in haste."


                         Tokunbo sighed and spoke slowly. "So, she'll be sloppy. She must've noticed her missing flash and diaries and realize it's game over for her."

                          "You took the diaries?!" Betty screeched and began pacing trying to rein in the tears that threatened to burst forth.

                            "Just two!" Tokunbo defended. "I studied them last night. I thought they could give us clues on how to get the recent one."

                            Betty groaned as if in pain. "No wonder she's gone haywire."

                          "My point exactly. She must've see that her plans have failed and she's trying to end this the rash way. Hence she'll make rash decisions."

                         She stared at Tokunbo for a while then shook her head. "This isn't some detective movie Tokun. This is real life."

                       The slim girl gave a small smile. "Those movies are about to save our lives Betty. And as for the warehouse address, if Vicky knows the place then I know someone else who does."

                         I am surrounded by crazy people.

How's this chapter? What do you guys think about it? How do you think it will all end?


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