#3 - Dinner

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My eyes widen in awe at the room we are staying in. All this for just me and my dad?! My dad chuckles lightly at my excited response to the gorgeous white sheets and glass door displaying a beautiful view to outside. i immediately run to the bed closer to window to claim it from my dad- being on the top floor is going to give some amazing views when the sun sets, and i want to see that!

As i look around more, eyes scanning over all the toiletries and fancy towels in the en suite bathroom, my Dads voice carries through from the bedroom.

"...yes that works with me" he pauses for the receiving end to fill in the gap, "yes, dinner at 8pm works fine... good to speak to you... yes sir.... see you then" he finishes promptly, turning on his heal to talk to me.

"Hi hun, I know it's our first night here but I have to go out with dinner to get to know the boys better tonight- would you be alright to order room service on your own?" He asks apologetically.

"Dad, of course, i understand- I'll be fine!" He clearly doesn't know me at all if he thinks I won't enjoy a night in with all paid for room service and movies in my pyjamas, THIS IS THE LIFE!


"Dad, I'll be fine, just go!" I say laughing. We've been having this conversation for half an hour; if he fusses over me any longer he will be late!
"At least let me make sure you get your room service okay" he huffs, worry clear in his voice as he furrows his eyebrows.
"Fine" i laugh nonchalantly before picking up the hotel phone to call through to room service.

"Hi there, I'd like to order some room service to room 52?" I ask, shooing my hand to my Dad to gesture him to leave, although he wasn't budging  just yet
"Sorry dear" a sweet voice replies from the end of the line, "we don't do room service past 7:30pm, you've just missed the cut off" she says, false apology clear in her passive aggressive voice.

I try to ignore my dads "i told you I wasn't fussing over nothing" look as I end the call.
"Right you are going to have to come to dinner with me- you can't not eat" he sighs, clearly stressed. WHAT?! I cant go to meet the boys in this short notice?! ESPECIALLY WHEN IM WEARING MY PYJAMAS. I try to convince him I will just go out somewhere else but he wouldn't have it. I dash to my suitcase, ripping out the first dress I could find, quickly shoving it on. Luckily my hair already looked decent, so we were able to dash out of the door without too much of a fuss- WHAT IS HAPPENING?!


15 minutes later we arrive at the restaurant, just on time luckily. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest sporadically, hands getting clammy. I'm so nervous I can practically feel my face paling as we head over to the table.

Before I can fully contemplate what is going on, about 7 men in suits all stand up to shake the hands at my father, eyes slowly dropping down to me as I stand cautiously behind him.

"Ah we meet again", a deep voice breaks the silence and I look to see Harry stood smiling at me. That same smile.

"Indeed we do" i smile back, trying to seem natural and not nervous, "Sorry for gate crashing your dinner" i say sheepishly, gesturing to the table.

"It's alright love" the man I know to be louis says from next to Harry "We could use someone around our age to hang out with on this tour so it's nice to meet you" He says as we sit down at the table.

The conversation between the 5 boys and myself flows easily all through dinner as we get to know eachother, our conversation casual and giggly compared to the seemingly serious conversation coming from my dad and their manager coming from next to us, making us laugh even more. These boys are so easy to get on with, its a shame I won't be able to hang out with them more because of management.

"So tell us about yourself" Zayn says with a soft smile, sipping at his coke, "Um well I'm Sophie, I'm 18, I'm studying music and chemistry, but I get taught from home, umm my life is quite basic I don't know what to tell you" i finish, making them all laugh in response. We continue speaking all through dinner, before Dad gets the cheque, much to Harry's dismay, and we leave.

"So what now?" Niall asks quizzically, making all the boys turn to me.
"Don't look at me" I laugh "I'm planning to binge watch some Gilmore girls and then go to sleep" i respond, causing a dramatic gasp from louis- this kid I swear to god.

"You can't just go to bed come onnnnn" he whines, dragging out his words, "Let's all go back to mine and Hazzas hotel room and we can play a game or something?" He asks, making me smile fondly at the cute nickname.

"Guys, honestly I would, but I've been told your management doesn't want me to "get too attached" to you guys because we won't be able to talk more." I frown
"Management schmanagement" Louis responds, Rolling his eyes testingly. "They also don't want me and Li to do more water fights on stage or me and Harry to sit next to eachother in Interviews- do you think we do that?" He smirks. And before I know it, I'm asking my dad permission to go to one directions hotel room- what?!


"Come on Dad it'll be fineee" I beg, after dragging him out of earshot of the boys to avoid embarrassment.
"I'm not sure Sophie, I'm not sure i trust these 5 older boys to take me younger daughter up to their hotel room" he says abruptly, glaring at the gaggle of boys trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Dad, do you really not trust me?" I pout, bringing out the guilt trip.
"Fine." He sighs, "but any funny business and you get your ass right back into this room to wake me up. and be back before midnight" he says, giving me a worried look he tries to hide with a smile.

"I LOVE YOU" I beam, before running back to the boys to tell them I'm good to go. Let's see how this night turns out hey?
A/N: HEY GUYS!! How are you enjoying in the story so far? I'm thinking if maligning quite a slow burn story to drag it out as long as possible!

If you have any ideas or suggestions or any feedback in general, let me know!!

See you in the next one (it might come out today because I'm in a writing mood I'm not sure!!) please vote :)

- S

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