Chapter 19 - She Died

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Locked. Alone. Lonely. Depressed. Pained. Upset. Regret.

They described her. Alone in the darkest dungeon, she witnessed all types of imaginations. She heard every scary creepy sounds that would fear her to death. She felt all the sorrows in the world with no one beside her. Her only companion was her uncontrollable tears.

She always sat at the corner of the wall; hugging her knees and putting her head over them. Crying and sleeping were the only things she ever did. Sometimes she would stare at the wall for hours. Thinking and thinking. But what? Nothing.

Her painful sobs would echo throughout the whole dungeon hallway at midnight. She would clench her heart and cry like no end. Gut-wrenching sobs that would tear her chest apart. She felt pain 24 hours non stop. Her body would burn up and then turn cold within a second. One second she would burn up and the next second she would shiver in cold. Her eyes were like scarlet red that seemed like mad. Her cheeks had the stains of flowing tears.

She was fed once a day. But she barely ate or drink. No appetite. No wish. No cravings.

She would lay down on the hard floor; facing the ceiling. Feeling hot as there was no wind to calm her. At night, crawling bugs made her puke in silence.

No one saw her fainting countless times. She became an invisible prisoner who was no longer the beloved wife of Park Jimin. Her breathings were the only sound of her days. And her sobbings at night.

Life really spun her around. Days passed there in the locked cell under the kingdom with loneliness, sorrow and nothing. Myeong Jo never ever saw the light again. Or ever heard the sweet voice of her invaluable man or any men. Nor she did ever felt Happiness or Love.

Until one day, like all those days that seemed years, she was staring at the wall; thinking nothing. Two guards came to her cell and began unlocking the door. The door opened revealing their once Queen who looked nothing than a dead mice right now.

" have to come with us. Your Majesty wants to see you." one of them cleared their voice.

Myeong Jo who heard a voice of a person after so many weeks almost forgot her own language. Her ears shook a little. But she wasn't affected at first.

"Y-Your Highness?" another one said.

All the guards and royal household knew that their Queen was locked in the dungeon by the orders of the King. But no one knew the reason. They were so curious and surprised by that cruel action of his. Jimin ordered everyone to look for the Queen (real Myeong Jo/ his real wife) all around the kingdom without his subject noticing. But there were no sign of her. The search and rescue team were actually confused as to why there's a need of searching for the Queen when she is in the palace? Yet they searched days after days. She wasn't anywhere. Jimin thought if he would look properly he may find her. But in vain! It felt as if she vanished into thin air.

Myeong Jo slowly looked at the two guards. She felt a bit relief that at least two people still consider her a Queen.

"You have to come with us."

It wondered her why after so many days Jimin would want to see her. As she stepped inside the throne room with her hands cuffed; the bright light fell on her. She closed her eyes and let out a groan. Staying under pitch black darkness made her feel like she couldn't bear the light. She opened her eyes and tried to adjust the brightness around her.

The guards held her arms and made her walk forward. She tipped almost every time as she forgot how to walk.

On the throne royal chair, Jimin was sitting with a cold straight face. And beside him, Jungkook was standing with the deepest worried face. Yes, he and Ji Eun knew this girl was not their real sister-in-law. But Jungkook felt really bad for her poor condition. He almost wanted to run to her and hold her.

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