Cutting like a Knife

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The sky was black with smoke that never seemed to end, the heat from the flames licking at their heels as the convoy rushed onward. Many men fell from their horses, spears and arrows lodged into their armored bodies, the horses continuing their run with the group. Knights stuck close to the royal family they guarded with their very lives, serving as a shield of flesh and metal protecting the family. The lead knight clad in black armor, rode with sword drawn deflecting the arrows that whizzed towards the knight and their horse.

Breathing in the tainted smoky air was gradually taking its toll on the men and the horses, many coughing and falling behind. Those who trailed behind were almost certainly lost to the flames that chased them, the fiery wall engulfing the trees and wildlife that was left behind the convoy. The edge of the tree line finally came into view, the light shining on the bright green grass screamed of salvation and safety. The thundering of the horses hooves pounding against the earth filled their ears as they burst through the trees into the clearing instantly stopped as the convoy halted at the sight that lay before them.

Hundreds, no, thousands of men stood before them shields, swords, and spears in hand waiting for the convoy. Some of the knights tried to run back the way they came but the wall of fire prevented their escape as the army circled around them. The knight in black armor hopped off of his horse and strode forward sword in hand. “King Alvah,” The knight roared, their voice muffled by the helmet covering their entire head but still resonates throughout the crowd. 

The knight stood there in silence, waiting as the army parted allowing a small group forward to the open space separating the convoy and the army. The men on horses behind the knight shifted uncomfortably, fear taking hold of them. “So you have finally arrived,” called a man, striding forward on a white horse, wearing light armor. His blond hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and a closely shaved blond beard covered his face as he flashed a smile at the knight. 

“King Alvah, why has the Kingdom of Haeas betrayed Dwealia?” The knight responded, anger in their voice. 

“Why?” A low laugh erupted from the King of Haeas. “You should have thought things through a little better. Why would a kingdom with as much power as mine sign a peace treaty with a kingdom as weak as Dwealia? Our plan all along was to side with you, make you trust us then crush you and take your riches.”

“Alvah, although the structures and earth that makes up Dwealia may fall, the people of Dwealia will not. You will not get away with this.”

“Oh, I already have.” The King’s smile grew as he called to the men behind the knight, “This is your only chance to surrender; dismount, drop your swords and step forward if you want to live a little longer.”

The knight didn’t falter or even move as the men behind him dismounted, dropping their swords on the ground at the knight’s feet as they walked towards the enemy King. The roar of laughter from the army before the knight filled the field. The knight stood in silence, ignoring the laughter and the feeling of betrayal as he stood tall. “It’s funny how quickly a weak kingdom such as this can just crumble right infront of your eyes. Now, you are the only one standing between me and that coward of a king hiding behind you. Do you really wish to side with a ruler that can’t even stand before me and fight for his people?” The King boasted, the smirk never leaving from his face.

“I will never turn my back on what I swore to protect, unlike the true cowards that just joined you.” The knight replied. “I would rather die by my own blade than join your side Alvah.”

“Well, that can be arranged.” King Alvah snapped his fingers as his personal knight stepped forward in glistening silver armor, a large sword strapped to his hip. “You’re probably the strongest one in your entire Kingdom, it’s such a shame that you’ve sided with them instead of me. Alyn will fight you, if you can defeat him you and the royal family you support will be allowed to leave alive.”

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