First day at Akademi High School

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My P.O.V

I woke up and took a shower and got dressed.

I run downstairs and grab my bag my mom said to me, " have fun on first day of at Akademi High School

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I run downstairs and grab my bag my mom said to me, " have fun on first day of at Akademi High School." I said to mom, " okay mom bye." I run out the door and I was still running but I bumped into someone and he helped me up and he said to me, " I'm sorry by the way my name is Taro Yamada." I said to Taro, " it's okay Taro. I'm Michelle Black and I'm a new student at Akademi High." Taro said tome, "come on Michelle let's walk to school together if that okay with you Michelle." I nodded my head. Taro said to me, "It look like we are neighbors or something." I said to Taro, "yes we are lovely neighbors. Can you please show me around the school?"Taro said to me, "I would love to show the school Shelly." I was shock that Taro call me Shelly. He look at me and he said to me, "hey did I say something wrong Michelle?" I said to Taro, "no you didn't say anything wrong but you said my nickname that is all." We got to Akademi High School and I saw orange hair girl and this yelled at Taro, "you always make me wait Taro." Taro said to Osana, "I'm sorry  Osana but I was walking with Michelle to school." Osana said to me, "hi my name is Osana Najimi and you are?" I said to Osana, "my name is Michelle Black it very nice to meet you Osana." We walk into the school I was looking for my locker Taro said to me, "your locker is right next to me." I said to Taro, " thanks again Taro." We change our shoes and we walk around the school and we stop at a club called Occult club and I look into the club and the leader of the club. The leader of the club said to Taro, "hey Taro who is your friend?" Taro said to the girl, "oh hey Oka this is Michelle." Taro said to me, " this is Oka Ruto the leader of the Occult club." I said to Oka, "hi Oka it very nice to meet." Oka said to me, " it nice to meet you too Michelle are you interest to join my club?" I said to Oka, "maybe okay Oka." She nodded her head. We walk upstairs and in front of Martial Arts club. I look in the club. The boy walk out of the club. Taro said to the boy, "hey Budo this is Michelle and she is new to this school." Budo said to me, "hello Michelle it nice to meet." I said to Budo, "it very nice to meet you too Budo." Budo said to me, "hey Michelle are you interest to join the Martial Arts Club." I said to Budo, "maybe okay Budo." Budo nodded his head. Taro and I walk upstairs to Taro's classroom. Taro said to me, "this is our classroom Michelle." I nodded my head. It was class time and so Taro and I walk to class and the teacher said to me, "are you new to my classroom miss." I said to the teacher, "yes I'm a new student at Akademi High School." The teacher said to me, "okay Michelle you could sit in front of Taro."I said to the teacher, "okay teacher." I walk to my seat. After class it was lunch time and so Taro and I walk up to the rooftop and we ate our lunch together. Taro said to me, " Hey Michelle what are you having for lunch?" I said to Taro, " my leftover from last night dinner. Hey Taro I been thinking about I could started a new club and I was wondering if you want to joining my club?" Taro said to me, "I would love too Michelle. What is your club name is?" I said to Taro, "it's a dancing club plus I some of the people who aren't in a club." Taro said to me, "that a great idea Michelle that why I love you as a friend." I blushed a little bit.

Ayano Aishi P.O.V

I walk upstairs to the rooftop and I saw a new girl sitting next to my senpai  and so I took a photo of the girl and I send it to Info-Chan and she give me information on the girl.

Name: Michelle Black

Classroom: 3-2

Personality: Friendly and loner

Crush:  Taro Yamada

Club: the leader of Dancing club

Strength: Incapable of fighting back

Additional Information: Love to dance for fun. Very interest in the Paranormal, and she doesn't want to be loner in her household but her little brother just left for college and her older sister  is tour around the world for her music career. She love to helped out with everyone.

I think to myself, "How am I going to kill her without hurting senpai?" Info-Chan text messages me and it said to me, "Hey Ayano,  I think you should not kill Michelle without hurting her famly members and Taro Yamada because he as a biggest crush on Michelle.Well if you kill her. Her older sister and little brother might kill you Ayano." I reply back to Info-Chan, "I have to matching with someone who as a crush on Michelle." Info-Chan reply, "what about Budo, Osorō, Megamo, Oko, Amao, Osano, Aso and Hanakō; Kizano." I reply back to Info-Chan, " can you send me Taro Yamada information please."

Name:  Taro Yamada

Classroom: 3-2

Personality: loner

Crush: Michelle Black

Club: dancing club

Strength: Incapable to fight back

Additional Information: fell in love with Michelle at first sight and he is going to asked her on Friday. Taro became Michelle Black friend on the first day.

TO BE CONTINUE..................

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