Chapter 1: Pink Jeans and Awkward Encounters

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for clicking on my story and deciding to read it. I think I'm going to make this a short story. Like, under 10 chapters short. But I don't know yet. BUT I STILL HOPE YOU LOVE IT! Thanks for reading and by all means, procede with the first chapter...


***Leda's P.O.V***

I woke up feeling as fresh as I always do. Today was the first day of school and I was eager to, once again, be student body president.

I washed my face, put on some makeup, then got out my clothes. I decided on wearing my white shirt with the big gray lips on it that reminded me of "Rocky Horror Picture Show". Then I added my pink salmon colored jeans and dark gray vans. And just because I wanted to wear some jewelry, I put on a gold bow necklace, grabbed my smiling skull bag, and looked in the mirror.

I look good, I thought to myself. Of course they'll elect me again. I'm perfect presidential material.

I went down to the kitchen to grab an apple. And right when I picked it up I heard the familiar beep of my boyfriend's car. Marc parked me up everyday without a problem.

"Hey babe, nice jeans." He said when I got in the car.

"You were with me when I bought them." I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. 

"Well I'm glad you bought them because you look hot." Flattery was his thing, I was used to it by now.

He started up the car, then drove off.

When we arrived at school, we walked inside hand in hand. But then Marc had to go see his friends, so he kissed me goodbye and walked away. I watched him leave, just like any other regular school day. I proceded to walk to my locker where my friends were.

Well, I use the term "friends" lightly. They weren't really my "friends", I just hang out with them sometimes and they only like me because I'm a bit popular. Well maybe a bit more than just a bit, but whatever. I actually call them "the Barbies" because they all talk and act the same. And all want to be perfect like Barbie.

Marie, Alexa, and Charlotte were all standing around my locker, probably talking about makeup or boys or both.

"Hey Leda." They all said at once.

"Hi." I said as I pushed through to my locker.

"So, did you here about the new girl?" Marie asked me as I grabbed my books.

"New girl?" We rarely had new students. After all, we did live in the smallest town in Rhode Island; New Shoreham. We had a population of only 680 people.

"Yep, she came all the way here from Minnesota." Alexa replied.

"She's the talk of the school." Charlotte added.

A new student. How cool! I decided that if I happened to see see her then I'd make a point to say hello.

The bell rang and the Barbies scurried off to their classes. I couldn't be late to class but my bag got stuck to my locker.

"Hey, need some help?" A blonde girl I've never seen before walked over and gestured to my bag.

"Oh, yes please." She held up the latch while I retreived the strap.

"Thanks so much! Um, you know, I've never seen you around before. I'm Leda." I held out my hand. This was my first time actaully looking at her. And hers as well, by the look on her face. She seemed to study every feature. 

She had the fairest blonde hair I've ever seen. It looked so soft to the touch, like a feather. And her eyes, they were the most brightest blue, like the ocean.

I noticed that we were still just standing there, staring. She noticed too, and looked down, embarrassed.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I'm Ella." She shook my hand. Hers were so soft, like a new born baby's. "I just moved here from Minnesota." So this was the new girl. No one said she was so pretty.

I caught myself off guard. Pretty. Wait, this whole time I've been gazing at and complimenting a girl in my head. A girl. But I'm sure it was just my girl instincts just appreciating another good looking human being.

I then realized I had yet to respond to her.

"Oh! Uh, that's really cool actually. We very rarely get new students." I couldn't help but think how boring our conversation was.

"I can see why. This is Rhode Island."

"Yea." I nodded. But then I realized, I was almost late to class! On the first day!

"Crap." I mummbled to myself as I looked at the clock.

"Something wrong?" I didn't want to be rude and just leave, but I really didn't want to be late.

"It's just, we're gonna be late for class and I kind of have a reputation for being early."

"One day isn't so bad." She assured me. And yea, I guess it wasn't. And I could just say my car broke down, or something.

"Yea, I guess you're right." And then I had an out of the blue idea. "Hey Ella, since you're new here, maybe this weekend, if you're not busy, maybe we could-"

"Hang out?" Ella asked hopefully.

I smiled. "Yea. And maybe I could show you around town. And if you wanted, you could sleep over my house."

She looked really happy, maybe because someone was offering to be her friend.

"I'd love to, Leda." And then she smiled.

Then the late bell rang, which was our signal to get out of the hallway. I gave her a little slip of paper with my number on it. Then she waved and walked down the hall. She had on the cutest outfit. And it went with her hair so nicely.

Wait, what am I saying? I'm still commenting on her looks. Wait, slow down, I know what this is. Like I said before, it's just my girl instincts. I'm just appreciating another nice-looking human baing, that's all.

I walked to class and assured myself that everything's fine. I'm fine. There was nothing going on in my head that I needed to worry about. I was still the same Leda before and now after I had met Ella. And I wasn't going to change anytime soon.

* * *

My first class was anatomy. And luckily I wasn't late. I had gotten there just in time for the teacher, Mr. Henderson, to walk in right after me.

And class went by slow. I was just thinking about how cool it was to have a new friend. And hopefully she'd be better than the Barbies. Maybe one day we could be best friends. But maybe I was taking this too far. I was just excited to finally, maybe, have a good friend. You see, I'm not good at keeping friends. They usually get bored of me or find someone better. Or, they're like the Barbies and don't care about anything I say and just want popularity.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. And, hopefully, it's what I want.


THANK YOU SO MCH FOR READING! I'd love to know your favorite parts so tell me down there in the comments!!!!! And vote if ya want. :)

Leda's outfit will be in the comments! Just copy and paste it into google and I promise you'll love it!

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