Chapter 3

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It was a blissful afternoon. The sun was brightly shining and hanging over the calm blue sky. Its warmth was just enough to chase away the cloying coldness of a torn heart and give added fire to love kindled passions. The park was full of couples and families and friends who were enjoying the first day of summer sun. Refreshing wind from the east was merrily blowing away the kites pulled by smiling boys and occasionally puffing up an untended skirt or sweeping off to the distance some lady's frilly hat.

Sitting lazily on the green grass right under the shade of a stout tree was two lovers with their hands clasped and their gaze far of. Their minds were not on the present, nor to the past. Like any other new lovers in that first cusp of that all engulfing fire that burns and consumes both the minds and hearts of the young and the dewy-eyed, Caryl Marie and Jason Benedict was gazing expectantly and longingly into their presumed future. A future, that in their minds, can only be full of bliss and perpetual happiness. Like any other young couple who unwittingly tasted Aphrodite's elixir, life was sweet and they could not ever imagine a future without their lover's hand to hold on, their shoulder to lean on, and that comforting warmth that comes when their bodies entwined.

“Look at those boys with their kites,” said Marie with a smile.

Jason turned his gaze to where she was staring. He smiled. A smile just like hers. It was a contented smile. An expectant smile. A smile full of possibilities and the hope for things to come. “We will soon have one tagging along soon. But, I hope, ours will be far cuter and more dashing than them.”

Marie turned her head to face Jason. She gave him that look that all women give to their men when they said just the right thing at just the right moment. A loving look, with eyes round and dreamy, and a smile full of sweet sprinkles of sunshine and daisies. She nuzzled herself deeper into Jason's arms and leaned her head snugly on his warm chest. Life was beautiful. Life was good. It was all perfect.

Then Marie woke-up with a start.

Cold sweat was running down her back. Her chest was heaving. Her heart beating fast. She breathed in deeply, heavily.

It was all a dream. No, it was a memory of long ago. Something she thought she already forgot. A memory too painful to be remembered and yet too painful to be completely forgotten. 

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