Chapter 5

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Hello you beautiful people, meet Julia Elva Whitlock(Yes, the photo above is her). Hehe,don't hate me people. Enjoy😄

Alice's point of view:
Everything was going fine until we found the unknown scent. I got worried because I didn't have any vision about this visitor.

But, Later when we discovered that she was Jasper's wife from his human life. I was really heartbroken and left the room.

"Alice don't worry. She is just his past but you are his present and hopefully future" Rose confronted me but I was still unsure. Bella spoke "Come on Alice, all of us know how much Jasper loves you. Besides you are his true soulmate."

After their confrontation, I felt hopeful. A small smile came to my face but it disappeared soon when I got a vision. It was unclear and foggy but it seemed like a battle.

I got out of my vision and saw the face of my sisters who were looking at me with concern. They eyed me questioningly so I knew I had to answer them. "I didn't understand it. It was fuzzy. Another decision has to be made in order for me to see the outcome. " Rosaile sighed "Fine, let's go and kick her out of our house and lives as well. "I smiled at my sassy sister and we ran to the house but there awaited another shock.

Another cliffhanger, I am so evil but I will upload next chapter soon. Stay tuned. 😊

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