Chapter 6 - A Force of Nature Part 1

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It took us a few hour to reach Lungmen. Myself, FrostNova and Patriot were taken alongside our squads, to the battlefield, running rampant with possessed soldiers who were rioting over the death of Mephisto. The red coats were killing them like machines, and Faust was pushed out of Lungmen almost entirely until we arrived.

"Faust, status report?" Patriot asked almost uneasy.

"Crusher Corp are defeated, Mephisto is dead, me and about half of my phantom crossbowmen are all thats left." I feel anger rush through my mind. I've learnt to constrain it, thanks to my training from patriot.

"Myself and the Silent Blades will-" FrostNova interrupts.

"You will be escorted by some of my brothers, Shade." In an instance several Yeti Ice cleavers turn to me and walk over with a few leaders and then several Yeti Caster leaders joined my group as well."

"Ok, now, I will take my unit down main street, Faust you will provide me cover fire. Patriot I need you to take my left flank and lock down the entire area, Frosty I need you to lock down right area. If you have another plan please say now." Silence remained in the air.

"Lets take back the homes of the uninfected, and avenge the fallen!" As the words left my mouth all the hundreds of our soldiers moved out, my personal squad could match me in swordplay, The yetis with me would be a great support team and offence. I would be the shield of my team unless needed to be a sword.

As my team approached main street, possessed units rushed in hordes like zombies. The yeti casters froze them, as the Ice cleavers deleted them from existence. Really well organised as to be expected of frosty's personal squad.

Our joint team eventually reclaimed the main street, and attained sniper positions. A few stragglers came through and we dispatched them, we had reclaimed main street, now we had to defend it.

"Patriot, Hows things on your end?"

Patriot POV

"Things are going smoothly, we dispatched the possessed enemies, we had some slight resistance from some other enemy forces but they have been terminated. We are clearing the enemies as we make out return to the main street to push the factory." I smiled as I saw what we achieved today. We are helping the infected, but that is because we chose to. The thing that concerns me is if Continuum sees anything to set his full rage off. Even I can tell a man such as him, such a gentle soul, seeking only to redeem himself of the obnoxious past, has the wrath of a monster held within, 10 years give or take of pent up rage. The day he gives into his rage, even I will fear it... Maybe even her.

"Guerrilla's its time to relocate, lets travel to middle of the road, we will help push to the warehouses!" Me and my Guerrilla's are indeed a squad of killers. trained by the people for the people... betrayed by the people.

I heard then Continuum ask FrostNova how her section was going.

FrostNova POV

"Continuum, the area is locked down, possessed units dispatched with ease, however I saw a member of Rhodes Island, a sniper it appeared running in the direction away from the warehouses. I believe there could be a trap and believe caution should be exercised."

I stood there remembering the moment. The whole reality of life, how could I ever tell him? He would go berserk. Maybe I should tell him but he'll just go above and beyond like he always does.

"Alright, we will move into position, back to main square, lets move."

Meanwhile back at the main square.

Continuum POV

"Holy shit, Continuum, where did they come from?" 

"I don't know, what can you see from up there?"

"Several Rhodes Island members, I count 3. 1 has a vector, one walks with a cane and one has a chainsaw, be careful-"

"Faust come in! Faust!"

"... the female... with a vector... she knew my... location. I'm not dead... Just wounded. be careful..."

"All squads on this frequency we have been ambushed by Exusiai, Silverash and Blaze, requesting support for Faust he is injured, I will pursue the enemy by myself!" I look around.

"Jin, your in command. Follow the example, I am going for the three Rhodes Island members!"

Without waiting for a response, I fired a round and locked it in time, as I cut down enemy after enemy until I broke through the enemy front line.

"So your the ones here to stop us giving our people there homes back. The same ones who profess to protect the people yet you have no resolve but to kiss ass with the authorities who are more corrupt than any group. What right do you have to stand before the people?!"

The vector wielder aims her gun at me as I speak.

"Release!" A bullet flies at it rips through her chest from a round you'd think was from a sniper.

"Lappland, attack him!"

Then as if destined, a crazed wolf once again attacks me, but I already dodged.

"Nice to see you again wolfy, why do you fight me? is it because they tell you too, or because you want to?" I notice them try and take the girl with a whole in her chest to the warehouse.

"Fighting you pleases Texas, thats why I fight you..." she launches herself at me.

I parry both attack, not even moving from the spot I stood.

"What if they are lying to you, like they lie to the people? I can find the cure that they cannot!"

She launches at me again. "We have the cure but need to test it out on people. Your white bunny friend seems to be a good choice."

As the words hit me, My senses scramble. My head drops down. My emotions erupt from the depths of my throbbing heart, as my blood boils and my head slowly rises, the dark and evil glint in my eye, reflects across the battlefield: Even Lappland stumbles back.

"You will regret touching her, and it will cost you: Your Life!"

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