The Attention Eater

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The Attention Eater eats the attention

They deny they get

They look around and grab the gaze of anyone they see

Especially when the gaze is on me

They eating what I have in my grasp

The little I have guts to ask for

They cry and shout and scream

Until I hand it over

And finally, it's over

And the words I wish were mine

Are whispered into their ear

Again and again and again

And yet again I'm alone

Shoved to the back of the box

It's my tale to tell

My story to share

Yet they get the leading role

"It's okay to be not okay"

Words I've been waiting to hear

There's only so much my own voice can do

The attention eater

Doesn't know

What they do to me

They see the way I'm handled

And take a branch from my tree

They sigh and roll their eyes

Until I'm falling apart

But there's no gaze to watch me

In all my pieces

Was I an attention eater

All those years ago?

Were they feeling the same way I feel now?

The same despair?

The same depression?

The same rage?

Why was I an attention eater?

Is this my own medicine?

Why did I put her through

What I am now?

And why can't I hate her

For taking all my light?

Why do I still love her

For stealing what I want?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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