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"'N'it off," came the muffled demand as Suga stuffed his head under the pillow to block out Oikawa's alarm. He groaned, turning it off instead of snoozing it for the third time. He'd be late for his astronomy class meeting if he didn't get up. Reluctantly, Oikawa left the warmth of the blankets and went to the window, brushing the curtains away to look at the still dark sky. It was only four in the morning. Why his teacher had scheduled such and early class meeting on a Sunday morning he didn't know, but he did know that it was going to be a long first day back at work after the party the night before. Usually, he didn't work Sundays, but Mr. Sugawara thought it would be a good idea for his first day back to consist of no customers and inventory.

Oikawa didn't regret it though. He'd gotten to see Suga truly drunk and it had been fun to watch. He was a little sad that he'd miss seeing how Suga dealt with the hangover, however.

Snoring could be heard from the two rooms as Oikawa made his way to the kitchen. He started coffee and sat in the silence until it was done, contemplating skipping the meeting. 

A hand snagged the cup he had poured from his own, it's mate wrapping around his waist. "Ugh, how much sugar did you put in this?"

"None. You know I drink it black."

"That's why it's gross. How could you feed me something so terrible?" Suga sank into a chair, still half asleep. 

"I didn't. You stole my coffee." Oikawa took the cup back, pushing a bottle of aspirin into Suga's hand.

"Make me mine." He shook a couple pills out and swallowed them dry.

"You're bossy when you're hungover. You should go back to bed."

"Come with me."

"I can't. I have to get ready and go to class." He grimaced looking at the time and chugged his coffee, burning his throat slightly in the process. 

"No. Bed." Suga was pouting and Oikawa couldn't look at him. He'd give in without a doubt. 

"I really can't."

"Then make me coffee."

"Why do you want coffee so bad? You don't have to be awake this early," Oikawa asked, already getting another mug out for him.

"If you won't come back to bed, I'm going with you."

"I'm going straight to work from class. I won't be home until tonight. Oikawa needed Suga to go back to bed so he could get ready. Already he was going to have to wear a hat because he wouldn't have time to style his hair. 

"I'm not letting you out of my sight today."


"Noya," Suga said as if that cleared up anything. Oikawa thought back to the party. Noya had danced with him each time Suga left to get a drink and when he'd gone to bed, Noya had immediately pulled Oikawa back to dance again. It hadn't been "come dance with us", but "come dance with me". He remembered their first meeting; Suga accusing Noya of flirting, Noya saying Suga would keep Oikawa hidden from him forever, how freely Suga had kissed him then when he had refused to before and even after Noya left. 

"Are you jealous?"

"Yes." Suga admitted it easily, drinking his coffee. "I don't trust him and that's why you're not leaving my side until he gives up."

Then you must not trust me either, Oikawa thought. Looking at the time again, Oikawa knew he didn't have time for a shower. "Fine, let's go to bed." He snatched the half-drank cup from Suga and dumped it down the sink against his protests. Of all the terrible things Oikawa knew he was, a cheater was not one of them and it hurt that Suga thought he could do something like that. He headed down the hall without waiting. 

Oikawa's back was to Suga when he climbed into bed after him. Suga snuggled close and pressed his nose to his neck. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Koushi."

When Oikawa was sure Suga was asleep, he carefully untangled himself from the other's embrace and grabbed his bag and clothes. He changed in the bathroom to avoid waking him, smooshed his hair into semi-compliance under a beanie, and left to wander the streets before work. He hated leaving the way he did, but he didn't want to be there right then.

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