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Beas POV:

"Honey, you can't always-"
A flash of light cuts me off.
Me, nick, Nigel, some pretty girl I've never seen before and William Shakespeare all are somehow on a chouch, with.. some sort of divice in front of us.
"Oh, hello Nick. Been a long time." Shakespeare said, an obnoxious tone in his voice.
"Will. Why are you here?" Nick ask, annoyed.
"Hey, be nice!" I snap.
"Gah! What going On? Wheee are we we gottagetbackandandandhatshappening oohhhh!" Nigel being Nigel is talking fast and mumbling as he panics.

"I think I can explain all of that!" A voice is heard from behind us and we all turn..

Yes! It worked! There all here!
"Hi! It's nice to meet all of you! My name is Quin, no need for introducing yourselves to me. I know who all of you are anyways! I speak, letting them process whats going on.
"Now, before you ask any questions I will tell u everything I can. Your in the future! It's currently 2020 and there's a musical made about the two bottom brothers! I am a big fan and wanted to show it too you and have you react to it! We have screens nowadays so we will watch it on a TV." They all ask me a few questions and I answer them as best as I can.

"Well, ok! Let's goo!" Porsha giggles as a lead them to their assigned seats I set up, of course putting will and nick next to each other XD!

"Damnit! Do I really have to sit next to him?"
"Yes nick, you do!" I say "It's more entertaining !

We all get comfortable and I press play on the show...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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