g a m e s (play them uwu)

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⚠WARNING- TRIGGERING/SENSITIVE stuff (for some hoomans this discussion might be sensitive but I've warned you, so it's upon you hooman ) 






so you like playing games or not? 

accecpt or deny , more than 34% of teens play video games and this Is a fact.  well,mostly i don't know about you but i am a very big fan of video games since my childhood. In fact, it was my parents who introduced me into the world of video games.

what? pft.

video games are not a waste of time,but in fact they sharp your skills-....

eh? you say studies sharp our skills? okay then, let me ask you a question o'hooman , either you feel offended or either you feel if reality hit you at last but just imagine....a thief broke into your house and tried to steal like...litrelly in front of you. so what will you expect of him to ask you?

of course hooman, you'll say , he'll ask you of giving your personal things i.e money,your personal belongings,your very important stuff you carry around. yes.....sometimes he will ask you too which is an act of kidnapping.

now i will ask you a very important question which is lingering in my mind for long...

did school ever taught/teaches us on about these certain situations?

no for me

why you ask?

yes,thieves are not stupid. they won't say threatening you by asking " hey! what is Pythagoras theorom?,how old was albert einstein when he died?,if the plane is having an altitude of 56m and the wingspan of the plan is 674cm then what is the age of the pilot?"

of course,some schools might do but majority won't. 

that's why we got GAMES!! yes o'hooman,games show you real life situations and gives you a slight idea on how to act upon that particular time. 

yes, i know what some of you might say..games are a source of violence.

but,think of a situation if there is a zombie acoplyse and we have to shoot a weapon? aye,there you gou, gaming is worth-

huh? there is nothing which is gonna take the world like zombie acoplyse?

oh god.

what bout attack? 

which attack you say?

terrorist attack,government attack-


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forgive my typos,my Grammarly is trash.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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