Chapter 20 - I Never Loved You

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Myeong Jo looked at Jimin with guiltiness in her red eyes.

Two persons cannot be in two universes. Both of them had one difference in them and that was the scar. That made them different from each other so they could reside in their own universe in their own way. Until both of them fell down from the cliff. That's the time the real wife actually died and vanished. And Myeong Jo took her place because the comet granted her last wish.

Now her heart felt guilt. Because of her, the real wife died. Because of her stupid wish, Jimin had to lose the meaning of his life.

Jimin himself was shocked at his own theory. His mind began circling around the world.

"H-hyung, it's not's just your theory..........don't...." Jungkook mumbled and turned his back away as he was too surprised.

Myeong Jo kept staring at Jimin, waiting for his next step. She was feeling so much pain and guilt. She caused a blunder by making that wish. She became the reason a love had to break.

A single tear escaped her eyes.

What have I done?

Jimin's face turned blue. He couldn't figure out anything. He was too shocked that the only person for whom he could even die just left him. She died a long time ago. He should've mourned for her death and he still hasn't. He's been living so happily while he should've been grieved.

His wife died because of a girl's selfish wish. A girl wished for her own happiness and that made his wife face the greatest sorrow. Tears raced down his cheeks as his lips shivered. His chest burning up with regret, pain, agony was fuming deeply. He let out a groan of shock; holding his chest.

Myeong Jo was about to hold him but refrained from doing. She herself was disgusted by herself.

Jimin looked at Myeong Jo. And did something no one literally no one ever expected. All on a sudden, his fist tightened and he gritted his teeth out of anger.

He slapped her.

The loud noise of slap echoed in the room and she fell down on the floor. Jungkook looked at both of them and shouted at his elder brother.

Myeong Jo touched her swollen red cheek. It took her a while to realize what happened. And when she understood who hit her.............she couldn't bear it anymore. Her heart tore into little pieces.

"You did this! You took her away from me! My wife died because of you, Myeong Jo!" he shouted in broken voice as he was sobbing loudly.

She breathed heavily and kept facing the floor. She couldn't.......she didn't want to believe Jimin just slapped her. Her body ached and she cried too.

"You know what she means to me! You very much know How Much I love her! How could you keep it a secret?!"

His voice raging each second and it sounded like a devil. Jungkook couldn't stop him or say anything. He just stood there; facing the ground and shedding some tears silently.


Those words were worse than curses. The words really affected her. She slowly looked him. He was a crying mess.

It caused her to wonder if this was actually Jimin. Her Jimin. Her cutie, sexy and lovely Jimin. Him who used to shower her with care and affection. Him whose words were so sweet as honey. Him who loved her for the first time in her life. Him who made her feel happiness that she always craved for.

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