Self love

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There have been no truer words that I have ever written- When you love yourself, everything else falls into place.

When you love yourself and begin accepting yourself whole heartedly, when you begin feeling the love you have within radiating through your being, everything else in your life will fall into place.

This is because when you love yourself, it allows you to act from a place of authenticity and compassion.

Operating from these states helps align you with your purpose and allows you the strength and confidence to follow whatever your heart desires.

Self-Love is key, and the only way to get there is to practice self-love every single moment of every single day.

This can be tricky at first because so many of us resist loving ourselves, in fact so many of us have such negative and self-deprecating thoughts that it can tricky to believe anything else is true.

This type of conditioning however, will never give you a happy, positive and purposeful life. This type of conditioning will only leave you feeling miserable and wondering why things never fall in your favour.

On the spiritual path, the first step is really self-love. If you want to live a life that feels joyful, abundant and so on, then you have to first start with yourself. You have to first start with self-love.

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