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08:09 P.M

SIGHING, jeongguk lifted a brow at the male
"an idea you say?"

he had somewhat of a vague idea regarding the older's one pop of...imagination. sure, namjoon was a very smart, a man of full on bright and sometimes dumb ideas. today was the case for a dumb idea.

"a human case."

that's when jeongguk's heart fell to the peets of his stomach and his face went pale. his mouth and furrowed brows easily answered namjoon's suggestion.

"are you dumb or do you like playing like it?" jeongguk spat at the older one gaining a glance from irene who was only waiting to leave faster.
"or maybe...you just want to get on my bad fucking side"

jeongguk's jaw clenched. fires of fury and hatred were smoldering in the small narrowed eyes as he weighed the pros and cons of the various and creative means available to him.

"i just think it's time, gguk" namjoon said in a nonchalant manner, almost like he purposefully tried to set the younger one off.

"it's time, it's time?!" fists clenched, hard staring eyes, slammed fist down onto the table, voice with hard edge, shouting venomously, "the first and last fucking time i got involved with humans i fell 78 feet and got burned, beaten and my wings got ripped from my own goddamn back. just because i couldn't mind my fucking business"

two scars on his shoulder blades lit up through the thin material of his dress shirt and he winced at the pain, he mentioned it again. "namjoon you out of all people should know why i don't mess around with mankind."

the older's lips smoothed out in a thin line, he was at loss of words. namjoon cursed mentioning this idea, he soon realized humans were a traumatic thing for the younger one.

a tall, thin, pale as the skin of a glass of milk man suddently entered the room. everyone tensed up at the sight. evil glint in the eyes, slow movements, moves as if he has no bones at all, slinking, oozing, turns on the charm, bright false smile, suddenly friendly "i stand with namjoon, i assigned you already to a human case"

that's when irene decided to leave the room before she could get involved in the fight that's about to erupt.

"yoongi you did what?" namjoon questioned, confused himself with the action of the older one.

"i've talked with the others too, we all think this particular case will bring him out of his shell. seokjin chose it"

the other ones being the other 4 messenger demons, besides namjoon and yoongi, who took jeongguk in as their own to teach as soon as he left heaven.  it was a very hard journey to begin with taking in equation the fact that he was very young when he left heaven due to a minor mistake he made with a specific human.

just as humans, demons formed from fallen angels feel the light and the dark. they have a full range of emotions - a full "tool kit." all those feelings are normal and useful depending on the situations they find themselves in. they evolved to have them all, they just have to know when it is appropriate to use them and what to do with unwanted feelings of anger or negativity. for the most part demons just need to run it out - sometimes literally.

it was basic knowledge for all of them the fact that if jeongguk didn't start working again, he soon will be banned from the purgatory too, leaving him with haunting the earth like that stupid ghost, casper. it was awfully embarrassing for a demon like him, jeongguk knew better.

he greeted his teeth "but hyung"
it was safe to say he was afraid to even annoy the male who just entered the room, unlike with namjoon, jeongguk was walking on egg shells near yoongi and his short temper.

"no buts, jeongguk. you're going to take this case. i don't want to hear you whining or playing the victim"

the younger one bit his tongue in order to talk back as yoongi continued talking "and you better hurry"

"cause she's about meet mr. tough guy up there and i don't think he will like it. you know how he feels when his little toys end their own life, don't you gguk?"

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