Chapter 6

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Lauren's POV

           I'm laying in my bed thinking about the things that happened. Today was realy unforgetable, but what I can't really forget is the face of that very cute girl with pretty brown eyes, Camila. I'm still surprised that she defended me from that Ashley girl earlier. I mean, she could have just sit there and let me deal with Ashley myself, but no, she defended me from her. I don't know what it is, but I feel something different whenever she's around. It's like we have a special connection or some sort.

             My thougths were disturbed when I felt my phone vibrated. Maybe it's just Dinah again. I've been texting the other girls since we exchanged our numbers with each other earlier when we were all about to go home. I opened my messages to see who it was from, but I was surprised to see that it was from an unknown number. Hmm, who could this be? I opened the message and immediately smiled after reading the text. It said:

              Unknown: Why are violets called violets when their color is blue? lol guess who! xD

I kept on smiling while I was typing my reply. I already know who's this from.

              Lauren: I don't know, search it on Google! lol oh I don't know. . . are you an alien?

I hit send and then waited for a reply. I didn't wait that long until my phone vibrated again.

              Unknown: Wow you're so smart! How did you knew I was an alien? xD

I laughed at how sarcastic the reply was.I tapped the screen of my phone and started my reply again.

              Lauren: I have a pretty good intuition thank you very much! Haha, Hello Camila!

I was about to lay my phone in my stomach when I felt it vibrate again.Man this girl is a fast typer.

               Camila: Awe dang it! I thought you didn't knew! lol Hi LoLo!!

This girl doesn't fail to amaze me everytime.

               Lauren: haha you wish Camz! hmm. . LoLo eh? ;)

               Camila: Well, you called me Camz so I guess were even. :P haha

               Lauren: True. lol! Wait, I thought you have a different number?

               Camila: I do! This is another one though so. . . . . lol

I continued texting Camila until my mom called me for dinner.

                "It's time for dinner Laur. Let's go down now." my mom said.

                "Ok mom I'll be there in a few seconds." I texted Camila to tell her that I was going to eat for a while.

                 Lauren: Hey Camz, I'm gonna head downstairs to eat first. Be back in a flash!

                Camila: Sure Lo! I'm gonna fix myself some pizza while waiting!

I went downstairs to our dinning room and I saw everybody was already sitting in the table waiting for me.

                  "Come Lauren, let's eat." my dad told me. I took my seat and started eating my food while we were all discussing our days.

                  "How about you Lauren? How was your day?" my mom asked me.

                  I gave a simple smile and the answered "It was great mom, really great."

                 "Did you make new friends there already dear?" my dad was the one who asked this time.

                 "I made a few friends and they even invited me and the other girls to sit in their table." I told my dad honestly. I'll just leave the whole Ashley thing behind.

                 "That sounds great sis! You seem to had fun today." my younger brother, Chris said.

                 "Yeah, I agree wit Chris, Laur." Taylor, my baby sister, also said. I just smiled at my family and continued eating. I headed back to my room once we were done and started texting with Camila again until we both fell asleep.


Ally's POV

              I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock and turned it off. It's Tuesday and I still have school for the next 3 days. I'm not complaining about studying or anything, I just don't like waking up this early! Who loves getting up at 6 in the morning anyway? I got up from my bed and started fixing it then I went inside the bathroom and took a shower. I changed into my jeans and shirt then started doing my make-up, after that,I went downstairs to eat my breakfast..As I was eating, I received a text from Selena saying. .

                Selena: Ally could you pick me up today for school please? My car broke down and I don't have a ride. please Allycat pleaaseee. . ..

I smiled at Selena's text before replying. .

               Ally: Sure Sel, Be there in 10 minutes.

                I ate my breakfast quickly and stood up from my seat. As I was about to go out from the kitchen, I saw my mom coming in. "You're leaving already baby?" my mom asked.

              "Yeah mom, I need to pick up Selena because her car broke down." I told her while planting a kiss on her cheek.

              "Oh ok. Tell the girls I said "Hi" to them" she said to me.

             "Ok mom I will.Bye mom!" I went outside the house and got in my own car and drive to Selena's house. Once I got there, Selena was already waiting for me at the pavement.

             "Sorry I took so long. My mom and I talked for a little bit." I told Selena.

             She just smiled at me and said "It's ok Ally, it's still early anyways.So let's go now?" We both went inside my car and started heading to school.

            "So, Demi huh?" I asked her while smirking. Her face turned red when I mentioned Demi's name. She obviously likes Demi.

           "We're just friends Ally.Nothing more nothing less." she said.I nodded at her statement then told her.

           "Hey, you do know that were always here for you, don't you?"

           "Of course I do. And I'm so grateful to have you guys around." Selena said sincerely.  I smiled at her and we continued to drive quietly until we reached the school. We saw the other girls were waiting for us and there was a vacant lot beside their cars so I parked my car there and got outside.

           "We thought you two weren't coming." Dinah teased us.

            "I wouldn't want to miss the second day of school now, would I?" I asked her with a wink. We all just laughed and started to head inside the school.

            We went to our separate lockers and got our things then headed to our first class since we all have Homeroom as first. We got to out different classes after Homeroom and met with each other at lunch to eat. We haven't saw any sign of Ashley, thank goodness. Our classes started again after lunch and nothing exciting really happened during the afternoon except some few arguments from Selena and Taylor. We all went home directly after classes and I immediately fell into my bed the moment I arrived in my room. That was a very tiring day, but eh, it was fun anyways.

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