3: Best Friends

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Wanwan's PoV

It's been weeks since I last saw my Best friend. Where could Yu Zhong be?
Without him, I feel lonely. Ling, my one-sided crush, doesn't talk to me much. Zilong, he always keep smooching in front of me with her girlfriend, Freya. Baxia, he's busy sparring with Akai.

I'm already tired of this boredom. I must find Yu Zhong on my own. I left them without being noticed.

It took me hours of walking from Dragon Sanctuary to Dongyu, dang... My legs feel numb due to exhaustion of walking.

I leaned down beside a rock, as I stare at the skies, thinking of what should I do next.

Later, my eyelids felt heavy as I can't stay awake any longer. It's now sunset & I can feel the cold breeze brushing through my skin, causing me to shiver a little.

I lie down beside a medium rock, to make myself feel comfortable when I'm sleeping. I don't care if The other three are looking for me. They're always busy with their routine.

It's better to spend time alone in nowhere. My eyes slowly closed as my Vision slowly to see darkness.


I woke up in 10 in the morning, and to my surprise, I'm surrounded with a pillow & a blanket. Who brought me here? The voice Whispered in my mind. I scanned the room. It must've I've been sleeping eith someone that I don't know. Stranger? I thought.

When I'm about to stood up, the Shoji opened up by someone— wait, The figure does look familiar.

The figure has a long white feather scarf, also has a long purple hair, it also wears an transparent mask. The figure looked at me & smiled,

"Good Morning Wanwan. How's your rest young lady?" The lady sit down next to me.

"P-Pretty good... In fact, I slept peacefully when someone brought me here. I should thank him."

"Awwe, it's his pleasure to help you from out there last night. I mean, you're still 15. By the way, I'm Luo Yi. In case if you don't remember me." The woman named Luo Yi, introduced herself to me.

Luo Yi huh....

"Thanks Luo.... For saving me out there."

"Oh Don't thank me, Thank Zhong! He's the one who saved you there!" She proudly smiled.

However, when I heard the word 'Zhong', I got my eyes widen & speechless at the same time.

My head starts to think deeply now. How did he get back here? I mean, why did he leave in the Dragon Sanctuary?

While I'm in deep thoughts, I didn't realized that Luo Yi staring at me & she
Felt uncomfortable, so she decided to break the silence.

"Wanwan. Let's have some breakfast." Luo Yi said as she slowly opens up the Shoji & goes to the kitchen.

I snapped out of my thoughts to realize that Luo Yi is gone. I shook my head in disbelief & go to the kitchen to have a breakfast. Dang.... I'm hungry.

Wow. I never seen Luo Yi being nice like this...


3rd Person's PoV

"WHERE IS WANWAN?!" Baxia Shouted.

Baxia couldn't believe on what happened. After his sparring with Akai, She disappeared without asking his permission.

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