15. Labor/ Delivery- Jimin ❤️

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I am now one week past my due date. Our son doesn't want to come yet so we are waiting patiently and anxiously for him to arrive. If I go into the second week I might be induced as the don't want the baby to get too big or there to be an complications for either of us. We just want it to happen naturally. I don't want to be induced as it's unnatural. Me and Jimin just want our boy to come. So do the girls. We can't wait till the moment comes and he's here in our arms. Jisoo and Jihyo have just gone to bed. Me and Jimin are staying up a while but not too long. I'm tired now so I'll head off soon. We are sat on the couch and I'm resting my head on Jimin's shoulder cuddling up to him. "Jagiya, you look really tired, love" he said. "Yeah I'll be going to bed soon" I reply. "Yeah you do, hun. You need your sleep while you can" Jimin said. "Jimin, I'm anxious and worried about everything" I say a couple of minutes later. "Jagiya, just relax. Please don't be anxious or worried. Everything will go okay with the baby. I can reassure you" he smiles. "Awwww, Chim Chim. You always cheer me up. I love you" I reply. "I love you too, my beautiful and gorgeous wife. Now let's get you to bed before it gets too late" Jimin said. He picks me up and carries me to bed and tucks me in and gets next to me. "Goodnight, my love" he says kissing my forehead. "Night, Chim" I reply. I go to sleep and sleep okay but I still worry a little about the outcome of things. Hopefully labor will happen naturally soon and I won't have to be induced

It's a few days later and I'm going for my next check up. I'm almost two weeks past my due date now so something tells me that they'll want to induce me. I'm kinda prepared for that now. Jimin and I are on our way to the hospital now to see Dr Lee for my appointment. The girls are at nursery. Jimin is taking time off work to be with me at this time in this time of need. "Don't worry, jagiya. Everything will be okay today" Jimin said. "Yeah hopefully but I am prepared to be induced anyway" I reply. Soon we arrive and check in and wait to be called in. Dr Lee greets us with a smile as we walk into his office. "Okay, Mrs Park. Let's check on the baby see how he's doing" he said. I roll up my top and he smoothers the jelly on. It feels cold. "Baby's looking good but he's getting bigger by the minute. You are almost 42 weeks now so I think we should induce you so anything doesn't happen. I will send a midwife in and she'll do something called a membrane sweep" Dr Lee said. "Okay I was kinda expecting that so it's fine" I reply. A few minutes later he sends a midwife in to perform the little procedure. She inserts her fingers in my cervix and does the membrane sweep. It might take sometime for labor to start. Anything up to 24 hours so they sent me home to see what happens. I sit and relax at home with Jimin and the girls till anything happens. It's taking someone so far. "How are you feeling, love?" Jimin keeps on asking me. "Alright just tired. Nothing has happened yet" I reply. We were discussing baby names while we were waiting for labor to start. The girls were a little confused to why their baby brother wasn't here yet. A little later and me and Jimin went to bed. During the middle of the night I was disturbed by some discomfort. I look at the clock and it's 4:30am. I didn't want to wake Jimin up but I tapped him on the shoulder. "Jimin, labor has started I just had a contraction" I say. "Okay, sweetie. I'll take you to the hospital" he yawns. "No not just yet. We have to wait a little while" I reply. "Alright" I reply. About an hour later we head to the hospital. We call my brother who lives nearby. He's coming over for when the girls wake up. We don't want them to freak out when we are not there. Finally labor has started and I'm having the baby

A few hours later at almost noon, our son was born. Labor took a while when we arrived but our son is here now. He was born about an hour ago and Jimin and I are holding him and spending time with him. He is holding our boy right now having some father, son time with him. We haven't decided on a name for him yet. "He's just amazing, Y/ N. I'm in love with him already. He's an incredible little man" Jimin said. "He really is. He's so cute, Chim. He looks like you" I reply. "Hmmm he rather does. I was thinking the name Seojun for him. It mean auspicious and handsome and I think that pretty much sums him up. "Yes I love it, Jimin. Seojun is his name. I was thinking something like that. He's a handsome little fella and he shares a birthday month with his Appa" I reply. "He is. Aren't you, Seojun. Mommy, daddy and your big sisters love you so much. Can't wait to take you home to them" Jimin said. "We are so excited for you to meet your sisters, Seojun. They are going to love you, baby boy" I say. "My boy" Jimin said kissing Seojun's cheek. Be then hands him to me. "You want to see your beautiful momma" he said. "Awe" I smile. We are so delighted that our baby boy is here safe and sound now. He is so handsome and his name pretty much says it. Our little boy Seojun

💙 Park Seojun 💙Born October 16th @ 11:44amWeight 8lbs 9oz

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💙 Park Seojun 💙
Born October 16th @ 11:44am
Weight 8lbs 9oz

A/ N: awwww gorgeous baby. I kept the name a total secret. Hope you like it. Seojun is so cute. I love Korean names btw. Thought I'd make this one a little different

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