Part 1

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Hi my name is Isla Carter. I'm 14 and I live in Middletown New Jersey with my Dad, and 3 older brothers. Wyatt is the oldest, he's 17 he likes to run and box, he has short curly black hair like my Dad. Anthony is 16 he likes to sing, he has wavy black hair, also like my Dad and last is my twin Caleb. Caleb and I look alot alike and we are exactly a minute and a half apart leaving him to be older. Our facil structure is the same, we both have blue eyes and blonde hair. My hair is pretty long with purple dyed tips. Caleb's is short and not colored hair. Our personalities are alot alike also. We both like playing sports, skateboarding, singing and playing instruments, being around our friends, we both have the same friends, and we both like to watch movies.

I was in my room facetiming with my best friend Ethan when I heard a loud thump come from down the hall.

"I'll be right back Ethan, someone or something just fell down the hall." I was a little bit annoyed. He didn't say anything, he just nodded. I hung up then plugged in my phone before I walked out into the hall and saw Wyatt on the floor with the first aid kit.

"Um, what are you doing?" I asked, giving him a weird look.

"Oh sorry, i'm looking for athletic tape. I pulled something running today." he said blankly. The thing about Wyatt is that he doesn't really show emotions so i can't really tell if he is hurt or not.

"Well are you okay?" i said stretching the y.

"Oh i'm fine. It's just uncomfortable." he said blankly once again.

"Well I'm gonna go and do something else while you do this" I paused a little bit buring the sentence because I didn't know what else to say. I didn't really want to go back to my room so I went into Calebs instead. Caleb and I are really close, we can count on eachother and tell eachother anything. His room is right next to mine. When I walked into his room he was sitting on his bed looking through pictures we have taken on our camra. We also like to take pictures. Climbing up on his bed. He knew I was there but didn't say anything.

" I like that one." I spoke. It was a picture of our family with my grandpa phil before he passed away.We had a tight bond so it was really hard for me when he died. Man I miss him. Don't cry don't cry, don't cry. No matter how much I told myself not to cry it was no use. A single tear fell down my face. He had this saying that everything happens for a reason. So I believe he died for a reason, or just of old age. Caleb looked over right when the tear fell. He knew what this is about

"I know you miss him. I do too. So does Dad and Wyatt and so does Anthony. I know you guys were really close and had a relationship I still don't quite understand. But like he always said, everything happens for a reason."Caleb always knows what to say in any situation. That's one of my favorite things about him. We sat in a comfortable silence till my Dad came in. I shot a worried expression at Caleb. He returned the same look.

"Ok so um... as you know my job sometimes causes us to move. This is one of those situations. We got a better job offer in Newport Oregon. We leave on Tuesday Morning at 8:00. It takes a little under 2 days so we will be there by late at night on wednesday. You have 2 days to pack. The moving truck will be here at 7:30am on monday." without anything else they left. That was straightforward. Both Caleb and I look at each other with confused heartbroken expressions. When we walked out of Caleb's Room Anthony and Wyatt were already in the hallway talking. I assume Dad already told them.

"It's stupid" Is all I heard Anthony say before looking At my twin then walkin over to Anthony and Wyatt.

"I assume Dad already told you guys." Caleb said emotionless. I could tell from the vibe in the room that we were all angry.

"Yup. did he just tell you?" Anthony spoke out to Caleb and I. we nodded in sync.

"I'm enraged. All my friends are here. And all our other family is here." Wyatt sounded feureus. I've never seen him this mad.

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