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 It all started when Jax asked Hayley Holliway, " I just stole a pirate ship with Ollie wanna come?"

"YESSS! Count me in. Want me to see if Kirk can come for some... Excitement? No, no, I'm kidding." Hayley replied.

"We are leaving port in 10 min. You need to be here by then. At least that's what Ollie told me."

About 5 minutes later, Hayley arrived at the port. Ollie and Jax were waiting, Jax leaned against the ship with a sly grin on his face. Ollie was waving, with a bag of caramel cakes in his hand.

"K, I'm here. Nice ship, it's not Blackbeards is it...?" Hayley asked.

"I don't know? Ollie says it is Rumplestilkskins. But you can never know with Ollie." Jax replied.

Then Gilly arrived. "I wanna come! I wanna come! I'm coming! As long as we're not traveling the sea just to visit my Grandmother who is gonna send us to the Hollow Woods..."

"True, Ollie's a wild card. But who cares? Let's go!" Jax replied.

On the seas, Jax warned us "Just to warn y'all. I brought Caramel Cakes and Ollie has found and eaten all of them."

"Fiddlesticks. I want some Caramel Cakes! Oh well...I'm just glad Jocelyn is not bored, or we would have ears the size of our head." Hayley said.

A while later, Gilly screamed to everyone, "I think I see Shipwreck Cove!".

"Hey guys, if Ollie ate all the caramel cakes, then why is he driving the ship? " Hayley then asked.

"Oh boy. Ollie on a sugar high. He should NOT be driving the ship". Jax said.

"Fiddlesticks. My FTRS classes are starting soon. Gotta get off this party boat!" Gilly shouted.

She whistled for her favorite Pegasi, Macho, and he took her back home.

"Bye Gilly. Have fun at your FTRS classes. Hopefully, Jax and I will be alive when we get back... With Ollie driving, who knows?" Hayley called.

"Hopefully Haley, hopefully," Jax replied.

"At least we're not bored anymore, right? Well, it was nice knowing y'all." Hayley said sarcastically.

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