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Snail Mail
To: Hayley Holliway and Prince Jaxon Porter (On Ollie's stolen boat)
From: Gillian Cobbler (Fairy Tale Reform School)
Hayley and Jax,
I sure hope you guys are alive! Good luck with Ollie. Bummer I had to leave so early. So... that's all I really have to say. I just really wanted to write this Snail Mail!
Stay safe,

Snail Mail
To: Gillian Cobbler (Fairy Tale Reform School)
From: Prince Jaxon Porter (Shipwreck Cove)
Ollie crashed the boat on the rocks. Me and Ollie are safe but we can't find Hayley. Send help, please.

Snail Mail
To: Prince Jaxon Porter (Shipwreck Cove)
From: Gillian Cobbler (Fairy Tale Reform School)
Huh. I guess that's why they call it Shipwreck Cove... Why am I not surprised Ollie crashed that boat? I hope Hayley is okay! I'm on my way.
On My Way,

A while later, Gilly arrived. Seriously Ollie? Crashing the boat? And losing Hayley? He should be regretting all his life options.

"I'm here! Hayley! HAYLEY! Where are you! Fiddlesticks. I have classes with Professor Harlow in five minutes and you can not be late for that class! I have to go again! See you later Jax and Ollie! I hope you find Hayley!" Gilly said.

"Bye, Gilly! Come back soon to help!" Jax said while waving bye, as Gilly rode on Macho.

Snail mail
To: Prince Jaxon Porter (Shipwreck Cove)
From: Hayley Holliway (exact location unknown )
I'm ok! I washed up on one of the shores nearby, thank Grimm I'm part mermaid, or I would have been fish food! Ollie is toast when I get back. Not exactly sure where I am, but I'm alive! Send a search team maybe. In the meantime, I'll keep looking for a way back to FTRS. Please tell Gilly I'm alright and tell Ollie I'm coming for him.
A very lost Hayley

Jax held up the letter from Hayley. "Ollie, Hayley is coming for ya."

Ollie grimaced. "Darn."

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