☠︎︎¢нαρтєя ②☠︎︎

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Year 1979

Third person POV :

Lily, James, Sirius and Remus were all sitting together in living room in the Potter mansion
When all of a sudden they heard crushing sounds coming from the kitchen

"Owww get off me"

James Potter ① POV:

We were all siting in the living room, except Peter he said he had some stuff to do.【I honestly don't like Peter so I tried to include him as less as posable】
We were talking and laughing at patfoots stupid puns when all of a sudden we heard a crush coming from the kitchen
We took our wands and ran in the kitchen,
What I saw was not what I expected
There was a little girl with blond hair
And a little boy with black hair sitting on the flor,
I cleaned my throat and said :
"Who are and what are you doing here ?!"

James Potter ② POV:
After Lily dropped the time-turner there was a big crush sound and then we were at kitchen?
But this this wasn't our kitchen?
Then I heard someone asking us
Who we were and what we were doing here
I took one look at the man and already knew who he was


Hi guys sorry for not updating sooner
I hope you guys enjoined this chapter
I'll try to update next chapter sooner
Please vote and comment
Love you all byeeee

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