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(Edited?: nope!)

"Sora wake up" I whispered to him. He slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the light. He noticed I was in the light. "W-wait? I thought you said that the light could kill you. . ?"

I smiled. "I can't! I put my arm out to the sun and checked and their was no burn!" He also smiled. "Well since I'm good in the sun we have to go to a village or something!" I started taking down the tent, and sora was waiting for me with the backpack.

"Okay so after we find the village ima put the tent down and staying close to the village and ima look for a job so we can buy things since we kinda need to blend in." I explained sora only nodded. Once I saw a village near by I went to ask for a job.

Luckily their was a place. It was pretty popular in the village because it was the only one. After the job I went to set up my tent. "Ok sora but you need to practice with the sword at least a few times and exercise like mom used to show us. This is going to be a need if we want to survive okay but I don't want you to be scared. . "

"I-it's okay and i g-guess" I hugged him and he hugged back. "Ok when I'm gone at least do it for 2 hours or so. I'll be home close to sun down. Be safe" I left and went to the village.

It was kinda like a cafe. I worked like this for 4 weeks and I had enough money now.

I left and she gave me extra since I was the only one that worked their besides her and her husband.

I went to a store somewhere not close to the village and bought a kimono and a montsuki for my brother.

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We put it on and headed off

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We put it on and headed off . We just explored for now since we have nothing to do. Though we trained some times.

3 month later

Sora started to get sick but I didn't have anymore money, and in the middle of no where. I put him on my back and started moving again.

I heard someone walking so ran to them to ask if they could help me. When I turned the corner I bumped into someone.

It was Tanjiro. I blushed and apologized. "G-gomen!"  He said it was fine. "U-um can you help me?" I whispered. He heard me  and replied "oh sure with what ms?" He smiled and tilted his head.

"I- um my brother is sick and right now I have no money and I have no idea where I am. . "

"Sure my home and a village is near by!" I walked by him to the village. He got some medicine and we headed back to his home.

"Nii-San who's this?" Nezuko came up to us. She smiled sweetly. "Oh nezuko-chan! This is um. ."

"Y/n and my brother Sora" I replied to him. "Yeah her brother is sick and she has no money and their lost so they asked for help!" Nezuko nodded and took us inside. The little kids greeted me and I did also.

I put sora down on a futon and nezuko gave him tea and medicine. "Thanks for helping Sorry if were a bother" I rubbed my neck. "No no it's fine your not a bother!" Nezuko smiled.

"Your so adorable. . ." I accidentally said out loud. "H-huh? Oh- no I'm not" she chuckled. "S-Sorry I said it out loud!" I looked back at my brother.

"Do you know your way back dear?" Tanjiros mom asked. I shook my head and she told me I could stay as long as I want. I thanked her.

After my brother woke up he was a bit better but still had a fever. He got along with hanako a lot.

I also got along with nezuko and Tanjiro. I went with him sometimes to the village and helped him sell coal.

This was going on for 4 months.

"Can we come!" The lids kept begging to go with us. I of course said yes to my brother but kie said her children can't.

We headed off to the village. It was like any other day just selling coal and me and Tanjiro helping the people.

It was getting dark so we head off but the old man stopped us. Tanjiro tried to decline but he didn't take no for an answer. We went in and he gave us food. He then started talking about demons so I didn't really listen and went to sleep. I felt a bit guilty cause I knew they were going to die and I did nothing.

But I cant defeat hee hee man on my own. I couldn't take the guilt any more so I got up and went out. I ran as fast as I could. It was too late.

They were all on the floor and the sun was about to rise. I got nezuko and put her on my back I ran but I was already tired of running so I walked as fast as I could when I saw tanjiro.
"Y/n!! Nezuko!!" He came to me and got nezuko. I got my brother he was a bit lighter since he was smaller.  I got left behind once I got closer to them I saw that nezuko was on top of Tanjiro.

"Sora stay here I'll be back!" I jumped down and landed in the snow.


(Ok I'm tired that's all bye!!)

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