"Good Luck"- Contestshippung

157 9 26

3rd Person

"Ready Roserade?" Drew asked the Bouquet Pokemon.

"Rose!" (Yes) The Pokemon nodded

It was a few minutes before it was his turn to go on stage and he frowned remembering that his top rival (and the one he secretly loves) isn't participating in today's contest.

"Why do you think May isn't here today?" He uncautiously asked Roserade

"Roserade" (I don't know) The Pokemon said struggling to hide his smirk

Roserade knew his trainers crush on May,and he knew stuff was about to go down

"Oh there you are!" A voice said,which was instantly recongized as the girl they were talking about just seconds ago

Drew,trying to keep his smile from breaking out said " 'Sup June"

Her smile however didn't falter one bit,as she walked closer

When she was close,Drew noticed a red rose in her hands

"Aw" He said trying to keep up his teasing facade even though his heart was doing flips " Is that rose for me?"

May rolled her eyes and giggled "Of course not grass-head"

Drew's heart dropped

"It's for Roserade" She said handing the rose to said pokemon

"Rose!" (Thanks!) Roserade accepted knowing what May was doing

"But I do have something for you" May said getting up and facing Drew

"And that is....?"

She leaned in and kissed Drew's cheek before smiling brightly and walking backwards.

She said one last thing before turning her back towards Drew and running to the audience

"Good luck!"

And Oneshot number 1 out!

*rereads* IT'S SO BAAAAAAD

I'm being honest XD

I love the idea but I hate my oneshot.

Well I don't hate it but I don't love it.

Someone please redo this XD.

But tell me what you think!

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