Point 7.

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"You know there's no reason that you need to sit at this table," I rolled my eyes, fighting the urge to vomit all over his lap as the disgusting man to my right snorted, leaning closer into my personal space. "Much less right next to me."

Shouldn't he be sitting next to Natalia since he always had his head stuck up her ass?

"What's wrong with that, Aaron?" Zaid mushed my shoulder with his while I took a sip of my lemon water, enticing a cold glare from me. This behavior of his was entirely confusing and it really made me wish I could look into his mind to see what he was thinking. 

Before he abruptly left for another continent, things had been rocky between us. Similar to how we are now, but the only difference was the fact that we didn't talk as much. I mean we did, but there was always that boundary that we never crossed, and he was jumping back and forth now. If I was being honest, that line was far gone now.

I didn't know if it was because he had a lot to think about while he was in Australia and the guilt was just eating him alive, but he had better chances and opportunities to apologize way back when. 

What he was doing was throwing me off and I didn't like it. If I was being honest, it wasn't like I could just give up a lifetime of friendship because I would be the bad guy if I couldn't look past a small mistake.

The thing was it wasn't even small. 

"Whatever," I mean mugged him before turning to look at Omari, who was across from me, giving me a look that I couldn't quite distinguish. "Your lunch looks good today, Zaid," He grinned, not taking his eyes off of me as he directed his tone towards his fellow teammate and I wanted to know what he was getting at. "Oh, thanks," Zaid hummed and I narrowed my eyes at Omari, wondering if he wanted me to kill him.

"Did mama Brooks make it for you?" He continued with the questioning, eyeing my container and Zaid's. "No, Aaron made it for me last night, but I never got to eat it," The pain in my ass explained and Omari's grin widened in front of us and it made me question his sanity. "Oh, he did?" There was a teasing tone that went over Zaid's head as he chowed down the baked ziti that I made for us last night.

Omari turned to Akito, who shared a similar grin of pure dumbassery and I looked at them, wondering why I was friends with them or why I let them sit here. 

"Owen, did you ever finish the math homework for Sanchez?" Natalia butted into the awkward silence as Owen nodded in reply. "Yea, you need help?" I stifled a chuckle at the lovesick dopey-eyed look that he had on his face as he stared at her. He was so hopeless, so so hopeless. He needed to learn a thing or two from me because it was just too obvious how he felt and I wanted to help him. 

All of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and Omari and Akito's eyebrows rose simultaneously, smirks on their lips as I turned around to see who was behind me. "Hey, Aaron," A girl, Melanie, stood there with her lip tucked under her teeth and her gaze relentlessly scanning me. "Hey, what's up?" I immediately turned on my charm, remembering who I was and what I had to offer.

She wanted something from me and it was up to me to decide whether or not, I wanted to give it to her. "How may I be of assistance to you, babe?" I let the term of endearment roll off of my tongue like it was nothing because it wasn't. "She stepped closer into my space and I was quite enlightened by the boldness of her actions. "I came to ask you something," She whispered and I motioned for her to continue.

"After Thursday's game, I'm going to have a party," I watched as her finger trailed down the cleft of my arm, raising a brow in her direction. "Is that right?" I murmured, knowing full well that parties and I didn't go together anymore. Especially not now since that he was back. "Maybe our star players can come and you know," Melanie's fingers slowly crept up my vein and I held back a tinge of annoyance, shooting her my killer smirk. 

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