How did it come to this?

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                            's part 1 ^.^ I hope you like it! This story is completely in Sarah's POV btw!

I  stepped up to the table, there he was, despite being a short man for his age he still towered over me. I shook a bit as I set my gift for Tyler on the table and waited egarly for him to look up to see it. I eyes his button up floral shirt noticing that it was new, or he never wore it in any videos. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU SOUND LIKE A COMPLETE STALKER!  I was having an internal conflict, with myself....again. I couldn't help it. I was obsessed with Tyler ever since I spotted his gay self on my news feed of Youtube. He was so cute, I wanted to be his best friend...only because we couldn't be anything more. He'd never turn straight, not for a girl like me. Heck, I doubt he'd go straight for a girl at all. I chuckled at myself catching Tylers attention, finally.

"Oh Hi!" Tyler's head shot up smiling at me then my present for him.

"H-hi..." I smiled back nervously pushing the gift forward.

"Is this for me? Thanks love!" He instantly ripped the gift open pulling out my letter and the items I had gotten him. A new button up, some art work, and a few other dumb trinkets I found at the 99 cents store. He gasped. "I love them!" Tyler suddenly stood up and walked around the table to me and pulled me into a hug. He smelled...amazing. Like flowers with a hint of cinnamon. I was covered in his scent taking it all in, it was like getting high.      

"You're welcome." I whispered into his chest.

Tyler smiled again, that bright white smile then noticed something, I was the last person in his line. "Have you been waiting here all day?" He looked down at me amazed.

"Yeah..." I looked down blushing. "I really wanted to meet you."

Tyler looked over at his friends, some I knew others I didn't. "This girl has been in this line all day! How sweet is that!"  He smiled back at me. "How'd you like to hang out with us for a while?"

My face turned bright red as I screamed with happiness on the inside. "I'd...I'd love to! " I hugged Tyler tighter. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squealed.  

Tyler laughed. "This girl!" He called to his friends.

After a few hours of heling Tyler and his friends pack their mail, and art, and gifts into their cars we all drove to one of Tyler's friends house. I thought she looked familiar but I couldn't but a name on her. She was letting Tyler stay at her place while he was away frome home.

"Unfortunatly you and Tyler have to share a room." She looked at me. I didn't expect to stay with just happened while we were packing. We decided to buy some onsies and have a slumber party!  When I walked inside the house I set my things in the, ugly spare bedroom and searched in my bag for a tank top. It was hot, I was sweating bullets from moving the packages as well so I needed something to cool off. I searched and searched and searched, until Tyler came in the room, I didn't dare turn around. I could only imagine how stupid I looked, shirtless and huncked over my bag.

"Umm, what are you doing?" He cautiously entered the rroom setting his things on the bed.

I didn't dare answer. I was blushing exteremly now and I gripped the first shirt I saw and slipped it on. "Just, looking for a shirt..." I stood up and turned around to see he was shirtless now. I was slightly taken back, he was muscular and my attraction to him only grew stronger, I blushed a bit more before looking away as he slipped on a tiger onsie and hopped on me "H-Hey!" I screamed laughing. HOW could you let it come to this you idiot!!!! There I was again....fighting myself.  

Hey! I hope you liked this first part of my fanfic <3 I know it's a bit jumpy and fast but I like how it flows! Let me know what you think!

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