team z ft.diarhea (yes)

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This is a requested chapter by diarreahfilledpants
(Im not good at making many characters talk so ill just do 2 instead of the whole team z <3)

Also sorry for my dead activity i dont feel much productive and im just not living my best life so ye ^^ i still hope this chapter will be good


You wake up this morning not feeling good, your stomach feels heavy and your head hurts.
You say to yourself "Maybe its because of last night's party"and you go to the living room where the team z normally sits.

You salute everyone and you sit next to Raichi, who is playing a game on his phone.
Your stomach starts hurting even more and it makes you feel like you are paralysed which can be noticed by your face expressions.

Lemon notices it and asks you "hey y/n are you alright?" With a concerned voice.
Seems like lemon will always remain the mom of the group, he's very sensitive even its hard to notice at first.
You nod your head as a yes but...Not very convincing lol.

Itoshi hears the conversation from the kitchen and he makes a tea for you.
"Are yall really worried about this loser?" Says raichi with a mocking - yet kind- tone
You smile at him while giving him the middle finger which results to a tap in your head from him.
Bachira starts laughing in the corner while you call them meanies.
You start sipping some of the tea itoshiade for you but you suddenly feel it coming ,diarhea.
You put down the cup and r u n to the  bathroom leaving behind the noisy living room of them idiots making fun of you.

(Ofc skipping the details or most of yall will leave now)

After couple minutes you finally are free from the stomach ache, you go out of the bathroom after cleaning your hands (duuh)
With a satisfied smile. When you come back to the living room you proudly say "it was diarhea" And you sit next to raichi giving him back the tap that he did earlier.


Its 3am wohoo

i rlly need to catch up on the manga cuz k still have couple chaps that i still didnt read aaa
Also ty for 500+ reads its so sweet <3

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