Chapter 9

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As soon as this man went missing, people started to investigate the island. Police found the hair DNA that matched (y/n). (She was the only one with hair there 😂.) Anyways, Ink and the rest had to stay low due to the missing man in there basement now who had duct tape on his mouth. Police then had finally hacked the code of the message they left with the.... Bloody massacre. The cops were getting closer and closer to finding them.

(Timeskip cause I don't care -_- )

"So have you traced it?" (F/n) said in a worry manner. As soon as he saw the news, he had to come back. His sweet innocent daughter was missing. He couldn't just stay at work. "We're getting there." The lead officer said. "Sir, the message was only an insult, but we found out where they live hopefully they did nothing to the girl." The lady office explained. "Well, hurry and get to that place. Bring Mr. (L/n) with you." The lead officer said as multiple people left the station along with the FBI.


"It was only two days." The (h/c) haired girl whined disappointingly. Ink wore a sad face. "Oh I'm so sorry sweetie. Something came up and I had to take you guys with me. I couldn't leave you guys at that private island." Ink explained hoping that (y/n) would give up the meaningless argument, And she did. "Okay, but next time let's just stay for a week at least." (Y/n) said before walking upstairs to her room. Ink sighed in relief as Dream walked over to him. "So what are we going to do with the guy?" He asked "We're gonna kill him of course." Ink said giving Dream a sinister smile. Dream laughed "Well we better make it quick. I guess we can let the boys handle it." He explained. Horror was the only one who felt blood thirsty due to them kill the twins and the bunny months ago. Everyone there had to kept a low profile, Even Sci. He doesn't always stay in his room. (He needs things for his experiments of course.) Thaey had enough food to last them six more weeks. They had a basement to store all of that.

(Y/n) was in her room reading a book. She nothing else to do and her phone was dead and still charging. Pallette knocked on her door. Hearing a faint "Come in." As he opened it. Goth was right behind him. "Hoi guys, wassup?" (Y/n) questioned placing the book down. "Well...." "We just wanted to cuddle you." Pallette interrupted Goth as he wore a goofy grin. Okay, I don't feel that good so I guess you guys can help me." (Y/n) said making grabby hands. The two skeleboys blushed walking over to her. They cuddled her and laid on the bed. "So why don't you feel good?" Goth asked "I just that, I've been cramping and craving chocolate alot." (You guys know where this is going ŌwÔ) she explained. The boys froze before looking at each other. "Period." They both said before rushing downstairs to tell the others. Leaving a confused kawaii girl in her room. "...Oh my girly stage is coming!" She said finally getting the idea. Usaully on her girly stage, she would cuddle up in covers, hug a pillow or someone and go on a movie marathon. (That's me!) This was gonna he a long day.

Tem skip (the officers are still trying to get there. You're all the way across the country.)

"Okay, movies, covers, pillow fort, chocolate, and a person to cuddle." Sci said "yep, yep, yep, yep, and nope." PJ said. "Uh, (y/n), who do you wanna cuddle with?" Dust asked. "You!" (Y/n) said as the others refrained themselves from killing the nerdy shy skeleton. "I wanna watch Titanic." (Y/n) said like a child "Have you ever watched that sad movie?" Edgy fresh asked "Nope. Can't wait though." (Y/n) responded. As the movie started, Dust looking off his glasses and gave the others the finger before putting on his glasses. Nightmare himself had to hold back his BROTHER. THE FLIPPING KING OF POSITIVITY! 

After watch a dozen movies, (y/n) fell asleep. Dust held her close sleeping as well everyone except Fresh, went back to doing their own things as Fresh had to watch the two cuddle up against each other. He was practically boiling liking a tea pot on a stove ready to blow.


The cops were still trying to get to (y/n) and the others. They had no choice, but to be patient yet quick about the situation. One wrong move and they could get killed without (y/n) even knowing. Dream didn't want to use his magic on (y/n). Using it twice could cause a problem like short term memory or amnesia. This was the riskiest mission yet.

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