15 year old girl Bella Calgary lives in Hawkins Indiana with her 2 moms Amanda and Jade, her twin brother Marcus, and her grandma Lilian. The first day of school was coming up close with only 3 weeks of summer vacation left and Bella still had nothi...
The sun flowed through the windows, the birds chirping, the smell of my grandma Lillian's french toast. I smiled in my sleep and slowly opened my eyes. A brand new day, Monday. I turn onto my side and pickup my phone from my side table, turning back onto my back. I turn it on and look at the time. 9:00 am. Woke up right on time for Marcus to come in my room to tell me about his dreams.
I get up and make my bed humming one of my favorite songs and walk over to my closet. I don't know what to wear today and I really need to go back to school shopping. I have 100,000 in my bank account. I'll ask Sadie and Jacob later today. I keep digging through my closet until I find the perfect outfit.
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I smile and put it on and walk to my mirror putting my brown hair into a messy bun and walking over to my hooks of small bags. I pick up my favorite brown one and walk to my desk and pick up my camera setting it in my bag. I walk over to my shoe rack grabbing my heeled rainbow sandals, and sit on the edge of my bed. Marcus should be here any second. I looked at my door as the doorknob turned. Perfect.
"Bella!" He said smiling throwing open my door.
"Good morning twin brother." I said back smiling.
He sat on my bed beside me and sighed. "My dreams are getting weirder. I had a dream about both of us this time."
I look at him and tilt my head. "Tell me about it."
He smiled and looked at me. "You went to the mall and met a group of people but only one catches your eye. You and your friends become friends with them. You bring them over and one catches my eye and then we all go to the snowball."
I looked at him and nodded standing up. "It's like you can tell the future. We better get downstairs tho to eat."
He nodded and walked out of my room. I picked up my bag and turned my light off. I looked into my room and closed the door walking into the hallway. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where my grandma Lillian was preparing breakfast. I go up to her and hug her from behind then walk to the dinning room where Marcus and one of my moms, Jade, was sitting.
"Hey mom." I say as I put my arms over her shoulders. She was reading again.
"Hey Bellie." She said back continuing to read.
I smiled. Bellie was what she started calling me when I was 4. I walk to the living room and sit down on my chair, pulling out my phone. I go onto messages and click on "Sad Sadie" and start typing a message.
Me: Sadieeeeeee.
Me: Answer!
Sad Sadie: Ahhhhhhhh Bella hi.
Me: What you doing?
Sad Sadie: Trying to make a new outfit. What about you?
Me: I wanna hangoutttttt.
Sad Sadie: Shopping trip at Star Court Mall?
Me: Fuck ya! I'll text Jacob.
Sad Sadie: Okie i'll see you at your house in 20.
Me: See you here in 20.
I smile and get out of our messages and click on "Jacob" hoping he's not playing video games.
Me: Jakeeeeee.
Jacob: Bella! Whats up girl.
Me: Wanna go shopping at Star Court Mall with Sadie and I.
Jacob: Hell ya girl!
Me: Ight meet us here at my house in 20
Jacob: Okie!!
I put my phone in my pocket and walk to the dinning room which was now set for breakfast. I walk into the kitchen and see my grandma and Jade cutting fruit. I stand in the doorway and watch them.
"Hey mom. I say looking at her.
"Yes Bellie?" She says turning to me.
"I'm not staying for breakfast. Going to Star Court Mall with Sadie and Jake." She nods and turns around and my grandma walks over to me.
"I'll save you some breakfast my dear." She kisses my forehead.
I smile and walk to the font door making sure I have my card which I do and walk out the door. The sun was already shining bright for it only being 9:30 am. I sit on my porch step and watch as girl with ginger hair go by on her skateboard. I smiled, at least I know there was other girls here. I heard talking and a group of kids went by on bikes. A girl and 4 boys. The girl looked at me and waved. I waved back and they kept going. I decided to grab my long board and go see where Sadie and Jacob were.
I walk down my walk way to the road and setting my long board down, I put one foot on and start kicking off with the other and then put that foot on. I cruised down the road zigzagging back and forth. I heard laughter in the distance and I knew right away it was Sadie's. I started kicking again to go faster and smiled as I saw my 2 best-est friends turn onto the road I was on.
We all caught up to each other and I just felt happy.
"So Bella what are we looking for today?" Jacob said riding his skateboard in front of me and Sadie.
"Probably anything rainbow." I said smiling and Sadie grabbed my hand and looked at me.
"The gayer the better!" She yelled laughing.
Me and Jacob started laughing and soon enough we were at the bus stop. We loved taking the bus cause it let us see the various people in Hawkins. I looked out the window as the bus started moving. That's when I saw them again riding on the side of the road. The 4 boys and the girl but the ginger haired one was with them too. I smiled as we drove right by them. The brown hair girl looking at my window and smiling. I could feel my face get red.
"Bella what can you even be looking at?" Sadie said poking me in the face.
I shook my head and turned to face her. "Nothing."
Jacob laughed and grabbed my shoulder. "You were looking at the one girl out there!"
Sadie laughed as well. "Ooooooooooooo does Bella have a crush?"
I hit Sadie and then punched Jacob in the chest. "Shut up!"
"I mean the one boy was cute..." Jacob said looking at his phone and slightly blushing.
"The ginger bitch was fucking hot." Sadie said putting her head on my shoulder.
"If you're gonna swear more then once in your sentences get offff." I pushed her head off my shoulder.
She scoffed. "Mean ass." She put her head on Jacob's shoulder. "Bella is being mean to me."
Jacob patted her head. "You poor thing."
We all laughed as the bus came to a stop and we grabbed our stuff and got off. We walked to the lockers at the side of Star Court Mall and put our boards in 3 lockers and then locking the lockers. We walked back to the front and walked inside.
"Where do you guys wanna go?" Sadie said looking around.
I looked at my mom's shop "Rainbow Love" then looked at Sadie and Jacob. "Wanna go to my mom's store?"
Jacob nodded and started clapping. "Fuck ya! I love Amanda and the clothes there are hella amazing."
Sadie looked towards Pink and then back at us. "Imma go to Pink, meet at..." She looked around and saw the best Ice Cream place ever "Scoops Ahoy."
We all nod and I start making my way to Rainbow Love as Jacob says he changed his mind and walks to Old Navy. I walk in seeing my mom busy with other costumers and walk over to the clothing racks. Girl in red was playing over the speakers. I loved her music. I quietly sang along to her songs as I kept digging around. I ended up finding really nice hoodies, shirts, pants, a 2 piece outfit, and a dress.