C.P. Harris: Best Friend

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Riley and C.P. had been friends for years. In what is almost destiny in small town America, you become best friends with the next door neighbor. C.P. fit the bill, cast as Riley's stereotypical best friend. Whereas Riley desperately wanted to escape Elham, C.P. was destined to inherit and run his family's diner. GrubHaus had made the Harris family extraordinarily wealthy, well by Elham standards anyway. Maybe that's why Riley and C.P always ended up hanging out in the Harris' family home. Compared to Riley's cramped room, C.P. was living in the lap of luxury. 

Riley was never the jealous type, but he knew he wanted to have this. He would earn it though. Nothing would be handed to him. "What time does the mailman normally come again?" C.P. asked Riley, as he put down the controller for the Xbox. "Well normally about lunch time, but every time you ask he adds an hour," Riley replied in his usual teasing demeanor. "Okay smart ass, I'll stop asking." C.P. quipped back. C.P. and Riley both knew they were destined to get into Oakmont University, the most prestigious school in the state. C.P. by virtue of a healthy donation to the business school by his father Charles Harris. Riley by virtue of his stellar grades. The only thing stopping him was the money, but he had nothing to worry about. He would surely get the President's Scholarship. Without that he would be forced to attend Elham Community College. But the odds of that were low. Too low. He wouldn't even consider it. 

"What if you don't get the scholarship?" C.P. asked as if he could read Riley's mind. "Then I start panning for gold and hope for the best I guess!" Riley laughed. Behind that laugh, the thought continued to fester in Riley's head. What if? What if he had to stay here while C.P. got to go live in some fancy dorm, with the parties, drinks, girls? That wouldn't happen. Impossible in fact. Riley was sure of it. Just then the mail truck stopped in-front of C.P's house.

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