The Supranatural world

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Hey guys!!
This is also not an update, but trust me you'll get an update soon. This author's note is especially important for them who are reading a werewolf/ vampire fiction book for the first time, then I suggest them to read it. It will be very very useful. I give you my word. So we'll start now.

1) What are werewolves?
Okay, so werewolves are basically supernatural mythical creatures who were created by the Moon Goddess. They are half humans half wolves. By that I do not mean their head is human and body is wolf, NO. That would be....hilarious I think. Okay so with the point.. They can change into wolves anytime they want to. They live in packs.
They have good strength, their senses are heightened like vision, hearing and smelling. Their eye colour changes when they feel any intense emotion like anger, lust, love, etc. They aren't vicious, but depends on their character you know. Some of them can be.

They heal very fast, by the way.

The most cool thing is, they can mindlink each other. Cool right? But only with their own pack members.
They can also talk to their wolves in their mind.

2) What is this Alpha-beta shit?
Well like I said werewolves live in packs. So, they have a leader who is called as Alpha. The Alpha's mate is called as Luna. They are in charge of the whole pack.Then the next rank in the pack is Beta. His mate is the Beta female. They are the second in commands. Then there are the Delta couple, Delta and Delta female. They are also called as Gamma. Whatever you prefer.
Alpha can be either male or female..depends. The female Alpha can be The Alpha Female after finding their mates or simply become Luna and give up their title to their mates.

3) What the hell is a mate?
Mates are what we call a soulmate. The Moon Goddess has gifted her creation a gift with mates. When you find them the first thing you notice is their scent which is most alluring scent in the world for them. When they touch there are sparks. Cliché, I know. And they mate and Mark each other when right time comes. Mating means mating and marking means giving each other a mark. You bite each other on the part connecting your shoulder and neck and a tattoo like Mark forms there. Which helps the others to know that they're taken.
If our mate is in pain then we feel there pain. If they cheat on us we feel the pain in our heart. We can also feel each other's emotions.
So, basically having a mate is very damn much important for werewolves.

Like werewolves, vampires too have mates but they are called as loved ones.
You can also reject your mate, by the way, but that would be very painful for you and your mate.
You can get a second chance mate sometimes if your mate died or rejected you.

4) What are vampires?
So most of you have seen twilight saga. That's everything basically, but there are somethings ya'll need to know.
Vampires are humans with extra strengths. They have heightened senses and extraordinary speed. There strength is really very remarkable. They are pale.
They drink blood. That makes them survive. Like in twilight the vampires don't just drink blood, they eat normal food too. They just need blood. They live for hundred and hundred of years. They are almost immortal if you don't kill them or they don't suicide or if their loved ones die and they don't want to live.

5) What are hybrids?
So, hybrids are basically those creatures who are hybrids. Sorry I'm really stupid. Ok, so their mother and father are different. For example in our story Audenzia and Valencia are hybrids because their dad was a werewolf and mom was a vampire. So, you see it's genes. Hybrids are very powerful 'cause they have the strengths of two different supernatural species but none of their weaknesses.

6) What are the weaknesses I'm talking like batshit crazy person?

Well everyone has a weakness but here it means physical weakness. So, werewolves can be harmed by wolfsbane or silver. Both can be lethal for them. And vampires can be harmed by silver or wooden stake.
Also, vampire bite is very very lethal for werewolves. They can instantly die. Vampires also burn to ashes when there is direct contact of sunlight. If by accident any single body part comes under sunlight (indirectly) they have a stinging burn there.

7) Which are other supernatural creatures?
There are many, I'll list them:
    a) Weres
    b) Vampires
    c) Demons
    d) Mermaids
    e) Witches
    f) Fairies

8) Weres?
Yes, weres. Werewolf, werecats , werejaguars, etc are the weres. So, basically werewolves are the branch of weres.


That's everything I think is necessary. If you wanna know something more please let me know. I'll be sure to tell you.
One more thing English is not my native language so there might be some mistakes, I know that is not a good enough reason. But... It's a reason. So if you see any mistakes I should correct please inform me I would really appreciate it and would correct it.

And about the update actually there are festivities going on in my house recently. I live in India so...there are many festivals and these particular months have loads of festivals, so I have many things to do, so it might take time to update.
But please bear with me. I'll try to update as soon as I can. I'm truly sorry.

Love you all,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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