Episode 3

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MATA Academy Briefing Room

Time: 6.00pm

"I need all of the young agents except Ali to be part of this important mission. Make sure Dr.Ghazali is safe !" The General sternly said. "Oh I will make sure Ali's father will be safe, heh." one of the young agents said to himself with a smirk on his face.

The discussion ended as the young agents, young agents only.
Rudy stopped all of a sudden, the others are weirded out by the Inviso's sudden actions. "What's up with you ?" Jet asked him. "How about we kill Ali's dad ?". "are you F#CKING CRAZY !?" Chris yelled. The others have the same expression that Chris had: Shocked.

"Dude, why the freaking hell would you want to kill the pioneer of Cyberaya's technology?! Are you out of your mind ?!" Mika continued as Roza nodded agreeing her statement. Rudy smirked, an evil smirk. "Do you want to get rid of Ali or not ?" he asked with his evil smirk visible on his face. Alicia suddenly came forward, "I'm in, whatever it takes to get rid of that spoiled brat". Roza, Mika and Jet are also in the plan. Chris was hesitant but was forced by Rudy to join. Bulat, Zass aren't happy and they don't want to be involved but they are also forced to join the plan to get rid of the former IRIS user.

Ali's House

Ali is at his house preparing himself for tonights mission. His own mission to save his father. He grabbed his mother's hoodie and wore it over his casual clothes. He still has his yoyo and gasing with him, he put them in his pocket and grabbed his scooter. He left his house for Gamma Tower to save his father from harm but unknown to him the young agents were spying and following him from the moment Ali left his house.

Khai, Iman and Moon were not involved in this mission due to injuries from previous missions. "Let's go and execute the plan while he's on ground why don't we use one of MATA's underground fast travel routes ?" Jet suggest. The others Rudy, Alicia, Mika and Roza nodded in response while the non-volunteers followed with hesitants as they walk up to a nearby lamp post. The ground under it slid open and revealed an entrance to the underground and once all of them are inside, the hidden door slid close behind them.

Skip at Gamma Tower

Ali just arrived at the front entrance which is heavily guarded by criminals. They are holding heavy machine guns and some of them even carried RPG's and grenade launchers. "These guys aren't ordinary bad guys." Ali thought to himself as he hid behind some vans and cars that are blocking the entrance to the building. Soon he saw the young agents walking to their direction with a rather casual style. Ali gets himself close enough to hear the conversation going on between the groups of people.

"Who are you children !? Get lost ! Dr.Ghazali is our hostage !" said the leader of the criminal group with anger as he tells the young agents to 'get lost'. Rudy only chuckled sinisterly, "We're here to get rid of Dr.Ghazali . No need to be so harsh". Ali was shocked, the agents aren't going to save his father ! They are going to kill him ! "Damn it !" Ali unintentionally said out loud. "Heh, the spoiled brat is here". Rudy said as he walked towards Ali's direction. Ali was trying to escape but was caught in a green energy wave that pulls him to the ground, unable to comprehend the situation but he knew that the energy wave that's restraining him from standing is the Neuro girl's doing, Alicia.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are so pathetic and completely hopeless Ali". The girl said with mockery and insult in her tone. She then continued, "Just leave MATA, leave Cyberaya and take your miserable life to somewhere more suitable like somewhere in a junkyard perhaps ?". Ali is still stuck to the ground but he managed to free himself a short while later thanks by simply flicking the bullet away. Once he freed himself, he used his scooter to get pass the criminal guards and away from the young agents. "Get him !" one of the guards yelled and a bunch of criminals with guns sprinted behind him. Ali knew that he can't fight his way in, he hold the scooter tightly, activated the thrusters and he positioned it to a diagonally. With a burst, he's in mid-air halfway up the tall building. A short while the boosters begin to malfunction so he used his yoyo to pull himself up to the floor where his father is held hostage. Ali kicked the glass, smashing it to pieces surprising the criminals holding his father hostage and with a blink of an eye, he beat the crap out of those criminals. After a lot of beating, hitting and punching, he is satisfied and run up to his father hugging him like there's no tommorow.

"How did you know that I'm in danger ?". The middle aged man asked him as he released the hug. "I have my ways, now let's get out." Ali replied as he pulls his father close to make sure he's safe. As they are about to head to the roof, a gunshot was fired. It didn't hit Ali but......

"DAD !!!! NO !" Ali screamed in horror as his father was shot at the chest, barely breathing. Ali held his father's hand, crying as his father touched his cheeks while comforting Ali. "It's uhuk ! Gonna be ergh.. Okey, I'm proud of you that - you tried.... to .... Save me". Dr.Ghazali said as blood starts to leak from his mouth, his breathing slowly became slower and slower. With a few hitching breaths, Dr.Ghazali's breathing stopped. Ali stood with tears still flowing from his eyes, he turned around to see who shot his father. He was sad, angry, disappointed and felt tortured mentally.

"Alicia ! How f#cking could you do this !?". Ali yelled angrily and sweared for the first time in front of them, the young agents. Alicia stood there shocked, realising what she did, she dropped the item she was holding.......... A gun.

"A-Ali I didn't mean to ! I-". Alicia was cutted off

"YOU WHAT !?" Ali yelled in anger and sadness.

Ali walk away leaving the young agents speechless. "Wow, what kind of people are you ?" said one of criminals. "Well your no different !" Rudy protested. "We may be bad guys, criminals but we ain't murderers like you" another criminal replied while pointing Alicia accusingly.

MATA Academy Briefing Room

Ali was the first person to enter the room where General Rama and the mentors are. He's also still wearing his hoodie. "Dey, what are you doing here ? There's no mission for you !" the moustach man yelled. "Ali, Where are the other young agents ?" Geetha asked softly. Just Ali was about to answer the question, the young agents that are involved in "saving" Dr.Ghazali came into the room, Rudy with a suspicious smirk on his face.

"So where's Dr.Ghazali ?" Agent Leon asked sternly while eyeing them. Alicia couldn't answer so Rudy made up a fake report about the mission. "Dr.Ghazali is dead. Ali interrupted us and wanted play hero so his father was shot when we were distracted." Rudy told them. "Ali is this true ?" Geetha asked Ali in a soft tone. Ali knowing that he can't tell them the truth because, who would believe him ? His Uncle looked away, never even once glanced at him because of disappointment. Ali took a deep breath and accepted the accusation towards him. "It's true, I interrupted them" Ali replied shortly.

"WHAT WERE YOUR THINKING !?!?" Bakar suddenly yelled in anger, shocking everyone including the General. The friendly and clumsy Bakar just yelled in anger. "Bakar, calm do-" Geetha got cutted. "How am I gonna be calm if thi-this boy ! Got my brother-in-law killed !?" Bakar continued. "Well, if he's your brother-in-law, then why did you IGNORED ME !!!?" The voice that shouted that belonged to..........


Ali with swollen eyes, tears flowing down cheeks non-stop. He can't take it anymore, he broke down in front of them. The others felt sympathy towards him. He couldn't take it, he ran. He ran out of the room, out of the Academy. He is no longer able to bare this nightmare.


It looks like this book is coming to an end.

maeed437 out

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