Note from Him

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After that you both went to sleep but when you went to sleep there was nothing but darkness.
Jeff P.O.V

I was sitting out on the tree brance right outside of her window. She was talking to her best friend. She was telling her that she had a bad dream about clowns. But the way she said it her best friend seemed to believe it. But I didn't the was so looked, she looked she seen a ghost. I wish I could be there and hold her and tell her everythings gonna be alright. I know that right now I have to leave a note for her. But her dream was about me..... I jump down off the tree and walked around the house to the front door. The front for was a light green. A kind of green people would wear around the holiday Easter. I could till the door was looked. So I unlocked it and slowly walked inside. Her house had a warm comfy feeling to it. Walking right up the stairs I looked at the pictures on the wall. Her and her family. She looked so happy and she was smiling in them. As soon as I got to her room I opened the door slowly and quietly. And tip toed to in it. I stop right in the middle of her room. I see all the posters and pictures of her school work and pictures of her by herself and her with her friends. I smile at them.slowly walking over to her desk I grab a pen an a piece of paper and write the note. And then left fast and quietly . But on the way back to the creepy pasta house, I couldn't stop thinking about y/n. What I'm a I thinking. I'm a heartless killer? What are this feelings? I push the feeling away and inter the creepy pasta house.

Yes I know this chapter sucks. I have been really busy, an today I just got some time to sit down and up load this chapter. Maybe sometime I'll up date the next chapter.

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