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Tagged by: ginnycangosuckadick

Tagged by: ginnycangosuckadick

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1. Okie please don't freak out about this. I am 12. I will be 13 in like 3-4 months.

2. Having my friends betray me or use me/watching all my friends, family, and pets die in front of me.

3. I don't know. I have wished for many things. I think it is probably me getting to see all of my friends from elementary school again cuz I moved schools.

4. Said or thought? I think the most hurt full thing I said was I actually told my friend that I might murder them after they told my crush I liked him.

5. Yes. Yes I have. 3 crushes actually. 1 from an activity I do, 1 from elementary school, and 1 from elementary school who I still like even though I haven't seen him in over 3 years.

6. I think he might have cuz his friend told me he liked me the day before I switched schools and he said no and Idk if he does. Probably not tho.

7. I think I am straight. I like boys so far. I like someone who is going to accept me for who I am, someone who doesn't want me to change. I want them to support me in life evem when no one else does. I am okay if we don't agree on everything cuz we won't, but I want them to accept my ideas even if they think that they are silly and I will do the same for them. I also have noticed I tend to like shorter people (around my height, I'm okay if they are just a little shorter than me), and they usually have brown hair.

8. I don't know. Probably being betrayed by someone I trusted (Has happened), being bullied for being shorter (has happened), and being ignored cuz I am short (has happened). Basically my friends being bullied, being betrayed, and talking about my height are not good things to do

9. I am not sure, but I think it was alexlarondelle

10. Not sure. I equally love all of my followers. Tho I do think I am close with snapeisqueen34567. Idk if they think that. But oh well.

11. All of you. Every single human who comments on my posts no matter how weird they are, all of you who read my cheesy stories, all of you who follow me for a reason I don't know. And all of my friends and family in real life who will never read this ever.

12. Wha- idk what that means. I am just gonna say idk. Cuz yah.

13. Uhhhhh hm......... On Wattpad or off? Well on Wattpad, I was talking with deatheatress and I said "good. sorry this is late. How you doin?"
Off Wattpad I was chatting with my weirdest friends, and said, "I think I should stop now......" I had been playing with my hair and I used way to many hair ties so I had 2 horns like a billy goat and my hair looked auburn in the lighting even tho it is light brown.

14. Home Screen

 Home Screen

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Lock screen

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15. Okay 15 people. Sorry if I tag you. I am going randomly through my followers.

Again really sorry if I tagged you. I just randomly chose 15 peepz from my followers, also I don't think I put anyone twice, so if you are mentioned before the tags, you probably weren't tagged. Sorry if you were tagged I had to choose people and it was random.

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