Chapter 9

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"Eommonim!! You'll finally be discharged..." I said while smiling, Yes! a week went by so easily without emergency operations, I was able to go home at nights too...

"Thank goodness! Thank you for always visiting me here and talking with me Xia after your rounds."

"no problem eommonim..."

We were talking and laughing in the room when Brix came back from settling the bills

"Omma...You two seemed to be having a lot of fun"

"Xia's such a good talker! I enjoy her company! And she's like my daughter..."


"Why?!? I wanted a daughter before, but the heaven has given me two sons and nothing followed..."

"tcccchhh! Looks like you regret having us" he said while gathering their things

"eyyy... don't be a baby..."

"Brix, you still have to bring her here for regular check-ups, maybe at least once a month"

"I will... Omma! Are you ready to go home??"

"Of course"

I sent them outside just like I do with my other patients when they get discharged

"Eommonim, I'll see you again for your regular check-ups, don't stress yourself too much..." I said when she lowered the car window

"You too! Don't skip meals! Bye Xia!" she waved and I waved back and they left.

Almost a month after, the situation in the hospital has come lighter; well, there are some nights that I still stay here because of emergencies but it's totally manageable... Plus! We got some new residents under our department, the new youngsters of our team... Me and Bora as the Senior Surgeon of the team has finally been able to take our day offs on Sundays, well Saturdays are included on our day offs now too, but if there are emergencies, of course we report right away, It's also been a month since I didn't saw Brix, but I know he's settling the controversy regarding his Ex. his mom told me when she went to have a regular check-up.

It's a Saturday night... Have no work!! Well, I'll just probably be slouching off at the couch and watch shows, which is kinda my thing for a month now.

*tit! *tiit! *tii

W-wait... tell me it's not my front door opening right?!? Someone's entering a password on my door!!!

I took my Arnis stick an MMA apparatus, yes! I did a little of MMA when I'm younger... I went near my door to get ready in case he could open my door, and he really did open it... but... hey!! he's removing his shoes... what's this!! Wait!! I couldn't see his face but I smell alcohol... he's probably drunk...

He was about to really enter my apartment and I already raised my one arm to hit him when...

"Oh!!! I know you..." he pointed at me and faint...

"Brix!! What the hell!! How'd you know this place?!?" I said while helping him but he's totally passed out!!!

I helped him lie on the couch... man he's burning with fever!!! I went to my kitchen to get some lukewarm water and some medicines...

"ya!!! Where'd you go!!" then I heard the door of my room closed...

"ooooh!!! Not there!!! Ya!!"

I went to my room and guess what!? He's really like at his own house huh!!! Even using my bed comfortably!!!

"ugh!!! So irritating!! I thought I could rest today!!"

I just let him lie on my bed 'cause I saw he was shivering...

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