The first detention.

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"Potter." Severus Snape said, flickered his wand and closed the door behind Harry.

"The famous boy who lived, with his arrogant father as a role model, never seems to understand the importance of obedience and respect" Snape scowled. "I wonder... What can I do to teach him?"

Harry looked over his shoulders at the closed door. Around him, in Snape's office, sat the usual disturbing decorations of a various amount of dead preserved animals in jars.

"I'm sorry... Sir" Harry said, but a look of defiance was visible on his face. It had been Malfoy who grabbed his butt and licked his cheek in the hallway, not Harry. Now he had been sent to detention for obscene behaviour in the hallway. Not Malfoy.

Harry froze, now noticing what stood out in Snape's office;

The collection of whips and handcuffs that laid on his desk. How could Harry have missed that?

"Eh... Sir... We never... Got those methods approved by Dumbledore. You kno-"

"Silence!" Snape's voice barked out and cut through the air like the whips in front of him.

"Come closer, Potter" Snape continued and beckoned Harry forward.

Behind the curtains of long black greasy hair his dark eyes shimmered with malice.

"Sir..." Harry raised his own wand. No matter what everyone in the Order said, he didn't trust Snape. This didn't seem right.

Against his will, Harry was dragged closer to Snape and had his wand taken from him without Snape uttering a single syllable.

"You've never learned to close your mind... Potter..." Snape mumbled as the teenager was now forcibly held in place in his arms, torsos facing one another.

Snape's hand traveled down Harry's back and caressed his buttocks. "Mmm" Snape whispered. "Perhaps... You won't be so useless..."

Harry felt his body stiffen, not my magic. But from fear. Snape's penis was pressing against Harry. What was going on? Had Snape lost his mind?

"Such a... Disobedient... Boy" Snape mumbled and fiddled with Harry's robes to get proper access.

Harry looked around for his wand but couldn't see it.

"I... Have a wand for you to use..." Snape smiled darkly down at Harry as his fingers deliberately slowly started to invade Harry's ass.

To be continued ...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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